Party after jail💗

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Hey im geneva well that wasn't always my name, my actual name is jackie but that doesn't matter. im going to tell you the story of how i met both my sister, my family and the love of my life.. growing up i had a rough childhood my parents were drug raging gang members so i had to look after myself and my younger sister daisy.well i did until i lost my grip on life and turned into my parents kinda i guess its a way to deal with pain. i left home when i was 15 and never looked back.15 easy robbery's it would of been easy if i didn't get caught...

Geneva's pov
"wake up" i heard my favorite police guard shout. he was only my favorite cause he was made easily mad i had to have some kinda fun in here right.
"good morning geneva" he said with an emotionless face as always.
"good moring my love" i joked.
i got up out of bed and let Derek (the guard) put me in handcuffs. he walked me down the hall. jail had such a weird vibe. i was taken to an office to wait for someone who was coming to ask some questions.
"good morning geneva how are you this morning?" the man questions while taking a seat opposite me.
"could be better" i replied.
i hated talking to these people.
"so straight to the point, your going to have a new roomate" he smiled.
"no" i replied coldly.
"i told you i didn't want to share a room you bastard" i shouted.
"calm down just for a night see how it is please would make my life easier" he shook his head.
why would i want to make his life easier? no chance.
after breakfast i was taken back to my cell where a brown haired girl was laying on her bed.
"hello" i rolled my eyes and went to lay in bed.
"hey girl, im nairobi and you" she said sticking her hand in my face.
i looked at her then her hand.
"geneva" i replied shaking her hand.
"bit of a shit whole place isn't it" i laughed.
"oh yeah definitely" she giggled.
we spent the whole night talking. this girl is kinda cool.
the next morning i was woken up again by the same guard.
"Derek im starting to think you enjoy putting me in handcuffs" i smirked at him.
"no geneva this is my job" he replied taking my hands.
i giggled and went with him.
A couple months later
i love this girl.
Nairobi walked into out cell with a big smile plastered on her face.
"whats with the smiles" i cocked my head to the side.
"im being released next week"she laughed grabbing my arms making me dance around the room with her.
"im so happy for you" i smiled and hugged her.
"when are you being released my love?" she asked sitting on her bed.
"only a couple weeks left" i smiled.
"ahh not bad, where are you going after all this" she asked seriously.
i haven't actually thought about that.
"the club" i giggled.
"me too, but seriously" she laughed.
"i have no idea nairobi, i have no life outside this place" i frowned.
Nairobi got up and sat next to me, she grabbed my face.
"come with me" she smiled.
"you want me to come with you?" i giggled.
"of course you're already such a good friend, we can make out lifes better, together." she smiled.
"of course i will" i replied taking her into a huge hug.
a week later
Nairobi left, these next couple of weeks will be lonely. however on my release date nairobi is going to come get me. i can't wait fo my new life with my new sister.
release date
March 16th 2018, the date i had been waiting for. Derek took me to the gate and released me. i saw a black car with nairobi waving at me from the window.
"i wont miss you Derek" i blew him a kiss and ran over to the car.
"girll i missed youuu" nairobi screamed taking me into her arms.
"i missed you more girl, now were the drinks at" we both laughed and drove away. never looking back.
we arrived at a little house on the corner of a quite road. i grabbed my bags and walked to the door as nairobi unlocked it.
"okay dress to impress tonight" i giggled taking a cigarette out my bag.
"of course girl i have the perfect plan" she turned on some music and pulled out a bottle of tequila. we both smiled and started drinking.
after an hour of changing outfits and dancing in the mirror we were finally ready..
Nairobi wore a beautiful tight fit pink dress, she had braids in the side and the rest of her hair down with a basic makeup look.

 Nairobi wore a beautiful tight fit pink dress, she had braids in the side and the rest of her hair down with a basic makeup look

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I wore a tight fit red dress with my long black hair down and curly, i also done a basic makeup look

I wore a tight fit red dress with my long black hair down and curly, i also done a basic makeup look

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and we were ready.

we got to the club and went to order drinks. we were dancing on the floor when 2 men come towards me and nairobi.
"hello ladies" he took nairobis hand and kissed it.
"nope not interested" i spat.
im waiting for the right guy drunk or not.
"okay girl well i am" nairobi giggled.
"have fun, if you drug her ill kill you" i smirked and walked over to the bar.
i decided to go out to have a smoke. the fresh air felt so nice on me. i dont know if it was cause i was drunk but i felt un touch able.
i spotted an old red car over the road but chose to ignore it. nairobi came stubbling out if the club.
" im hungryyyyy" she frowned putting her head on my shoulder.
"me toooooo" i moaned.
" lets go find some where to eat" she grabbed my hand and we started walking. we found a takeout place and got all the good stuff. the rest of that night is history...

Heyyy im backkk, hope you like this first part❤️

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