Neveah used Raven for support as she laughed silently out of the headmasters' view, Raven gulped - a small smile playing on her lips, "Sorry." Karkaroff nodded, spinning on his heel and entering the Great Hall in his usual dramatic style. Neveah quickly composed herself as they followed behind him.

The candlelit Great Hall was almost full when the Durmstrang students entered, except perhaps for a few straggling Hogwarts students who still lingered in the castle corridors. The Goblet now stood proudly in front of Dumbleodres chair at the staffing table - towards the front of the hall - where Karkaroff headed once he strode into the hall. Students' eyes pried into the Durmstrang students as they ascended towards the Slytherin table once more - making sure not to sit by the blond git and his friends like they did yesterday.

Like yesterday the tables were filled with exquisite foods, this time most likely for the Halloween feast. Students where impatiently straining their necks and fidgeting to see when the champions' names were going to be drawn. Whilst nervous, the Durmstrang students continued to chatter politely with each other picking at the food anxiously before them. Neveah (who had a s=rather large sweet tooth), seemed particularly excited when the puddings appeared on the table, alongside bowls of muggle and wizard sweets, and continued to stuff her face; seeming to not have picked up yet on the tense atmosphere surrounding her.

After a while - just like yesterday - the golden plates returned to their original spotless state; causing a sharp upswing within the Hall. Dumbledore rose to his feet - each teacher looking just as tense as the next; that is, except, Ludo Bagman, who sat at the table beaming a crooked smile and winking at various students excitedly.

"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision," Dumbledore began, looking at the students in pride, "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them to please come to the top of the hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber" Dumbledore indicated to a door behind the staff table, Raven shook Viktors shoulder - who sat beside her - excitedly, "where they will be receiving their first instructions."

Neveah - who sat on Ravens other side - leaned behind the girl to whack her brother on the back of the head, before looking off towards Dumbledore and pretending to be deeply immersed in watching as he took out his wand and blew out the candles (except those inside the carved pumpkins, which remained glowing) Viktor looked towards Raven who stifled a laugh her face highlighted with the pumpkin light, "It wasn't me." She whispered, pointing to Neveah who pretended to watch the Goblet of Fire intently as it shone brightly. Viktor smiled, shaking his head and looking back towards the Goblet, the blue flamed glowing vibrantly.

Suddenly, the flames inside the goblet began to spark a bloodred as a tongue of flame shot into the air, a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it - the whole room noticeably tensed. Elegantly Dumbledore caught it and held it out almost boastingly, reading the name in the light emitted off the flame.

"The champion for Durmstrang," He read, his voice strong and clear, all of the students from the school leaned forward on the edge of their seats, "will be Viktor Krum." Raven, along with the rest of the students from their school rose from their seats, a storm of applause flooding the hall; Beauxbatons and Hogwarts joining it for good fellowship.

Viktor looked almost startled for a moment, then he rose from his seat; quickly hugging \Raven and Neveah - who cheered and whooped - before he began towards Dumbledore then disappearing through the door into the next chamber, "Bravo, Viktor!" Karkaroff boomed loudly, "Knew you had it in you!"

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