we start to fold the rest of my stuff and put it in the suitcase.

"can i keep these?" he asks holding up a pair of my lace underwear.

"um sure. what for?"

"you know, if you ever come to my house and need back up for when we get nastyyyyy"


he sends a wink over, making my heart flutter.

i was excited for these nine weeks to end.

we both finish packing my stuff and get called for dinner and justine had made pasta (🤤🤤🤤).

"so explain what happens over there" she says, asking about the house in the bahamas.

"well this time the house is located on a private beach. it was a little pricey but the fact that there was 20 people staying there made it cheap" anthony says

"last time we didn't wanna go out and get stopped by fans but this time we'd only be going to the beach, to restaurants and cafes for food and those cute markets to get shell jewellery and stuff" i add as i grin.

"it'll be so fun" he says, grinning back at me.

"aw. yous should definitely send us pictures!"

"yeah of course!"

"thank you for letting us stay here. it was really fun getting to know yous" he says as they all group hug.

i pull my phone out and take a photo of justine, anthony, brady and austin.

"come on, you're apart of the family too" justine says to me.

that was the nicest thing she's ever said to me this whole trip!

i put my phone away and rush over to join the hug.

i was really gonna miss them.

"anyway, we gotta dip. we'll definitely be back though!" anthony says.

"yeah of course!"

we say our final goodbyes, grab our things and get ready to catch the flight to the bahamas.

the cool thing was that everyone's flights were matched up, meaning all of our flights would land in a span of two hours!

"hails, wake up!"


"we're here! we're in the bahamas babyyy" anthony exclaims.

i jump up excitedly as anthony laughs.

we both grab our carry-on luggage, exit the plane, walk out of our terminal and see the people who had landed before us, which was everyone except for hannah, michelle, nessa, griff and jaden.

"omg look!" avani calls, pointing to us as everyone turns around.

"holy shit!" sam practically shouts.

seeing his face in person for the first time in a year made me tear up.

i let go of my luggage as we run towards each other.

"i missed you so fucking much sam! so so so much!" i say as we pull each other into a hug.

"i missed you too hailey!"

i wanted to cry from how happy i was!

i pull away from sam and as he goes and hugs anthony, i begin to hug everyone else.

puppet (remastered) • @mmkay_mayaWhere stories live. Discover now