Dating the Undead

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Chapter dedicated to julietlyons

This is another (and possibly the last) book I've chosen from the reading lists of the Wattpad Ambassadors. This is a vampire story book so I think that the Vampire Fandom will definitely like this book. 🤗😍

I'm a vampire (fan)girl myself and I've read and saw quite an amount of Vampire stories like Twilight, Orange Marmalade, Bloodbound, Crave, First Bite... (Cheers to those who knows any of them and point out more which I've missed. I'll be glad to see them in the future 😍) but I have to admit, Dating the Undead was something else.

We all know (even if we don't want to believe) that Vampire and It's stories are based on many mythologies and stuff, drinking blood, flying, strength, speed bla bla bla.... But one thing I found extraordinary is that none of books (at least not that I've known) reveals that Vampire and Human Actually knoiw each other, I mean vampires are known publicly, which I found intriguing.

To be honest, I was quite arguing whether I would read it or not before reading, but a few chapters totally hooked me up on it and I finished it before I even knew it. Thanks to the Author for that. 🤗

Quite a lot of places gave me the nostalgia of Twilight and I adore them. The situation between Edward, Bella and Jacob was quite similar (and different 😉) to Logan, Silver and Ollie (but I'm not gonna tell how though).

Fun fact: Logan's name is Logan Byrne, yes, B Y R N E, I'm telling this cause I mostly read the name (thought so too) as Bryne and I had a hard time pronouncing it 😂😅.

I loved those two lovebirds chemistry and their relationship despite their differences.
How much I wished I could crush Dolores's skull (yes, this is a Dolores but not Umbridge, 😇, She's much more worse 😠) for torturing and her evilness is beyond description.

There were also very emotional moments like, when Silver knew the truth about her mother, which was revealed very slowly and gradually that I'm not gonna spoil here. Their love and affection, misunderstandings, grief and disbelief all mingled with each other... There are parts where you can't stop reading and I'm glad that I'm very late in reading this cause I might've not been able to hold may patience 😅.

Many other characters played vital roles in the story, such as Sal (the owner of a vampire club), Vera aka Etta Marlow (spoiled actress 🙄 and the landlady of Silver's house), Sergeants Davies and Burke,  Vincent (another charmimg vampire), and more.

The story really rendered me speechless that I barely can form something to say. Like other stories, this one also has It's own theory of the origins of vampire which is both attractive and disappointing 😢 for a reason.

But yes, I'm grateful to Silver for being so stubborn in dating the Undead cause if she wasn’t, I Don't think things would'nt have gone like it had, and It's perfect every single way.

But the everlasting question stands as always, what happened to the vampire and human? Because after all, a vampire and a human can't be together 🤔. Well, I personally am overjoyed by the extraordinary (and perfect!) solution the Author came up with. 😍 But Don't forget about Ollie! He's really such a precious character. I really liked him and I felt really bad for him. I wish he had a change in fate. 😢

But overall, It's an Amazing Story and I express my gratitude towards julietlyons for this amazing book. And for the bonus chapters afterwards 😋Those were really satisfying 😇
I request you all to sneak a peek in the book (cause I know You'll not be able to get out 😂)

This is just my feelings towards the book, not a summary. I mean no offense to Anyone and I am apologising in advance if I hurt anyone's feelings or offended anyone. Please forgive any mistakes and vote and comment as you like.

"Forgiveness let's you fly" 😇

~ Ettila

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