My Guardian Angel

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Chapter dedicated to crepuscularcurse

Firstly, A special thanks to the Wattpad Ambassadors for introducing me to an incredible book (despite as a challenge) I'm glad to read this book and I want others to read too. ☺

Secondly, I want to thank crepuscularcurse for writing such an amazing book. It really touched the core of my heart while reading and I'm not gonna forget Riz and Bel ( I dared to use their personal names 😎) too soon ☺.

I'd started reading this book on April 21. I was really intimated reading the description of the book. It is started with a high emotional feeling where our main character (Annabel) lost her mother, which was very heart touching and I know besides me many people couldn’t hold their teers inside. Losing a parent at a tender age can never be compared to any loss. Only those who lost their parent(s) can feel the feeling.

I LOVED the way the author described the extraordinary features of the characters, especially those eyes (everyone's so colourful 😍). I'm particularly thrilled imagining purple and orange eyes staring at each other. The way Annabel's classmates embraced her as friends at the first sight.

I also adored the way Angel got jealous and part of it (especially in the earlier chapters) reminded me quite much of Edward from Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. So those who are Twilight fans... Go fetch! I'm sure you're gonna love this story. And those who are NOT a Twilight fan... Please do not back up reading this review, cause there are lots and lots of change and the story plot is not a carbon copy of Twilight.

Furthermore, this is a story, I believe, where a person can dive into and feel it from the core of their hearts. The whole time I read, whenever any one of them (especially Angel and Annabel) got hurt or cried, or laughed or any other strong emotions I felt it deeply. It was like I am the third person always Watching them invisibly so that they never noticed me.

Carlos being a demon actually surprised me (though many could guess it while reading). I  really liked him as one of Annabel's close friends like Star, Greg and Kasey... But that made the story another twist 🤣🤣🤣. I was going to murder him (if that was possible by me 😪) when she threatened Annabel and then kidnapped her. I really thought her as Mike Newton (those who knows who I'm telling 'bout 😉) but not being has made the story more interesting. ☺☺

The intense bond and feelings between your soulmates melted me. I always love the feeling of pure love, and a cute couple 😍.

I also got angry time to time when Angel declined Annabel's request on hearing her thoughts. I mentally cursed him cause if he only did it once none of these wouldn’t happen. But then again, as I said... "None of these wouldn’t happen" if he listened to Annabel (and me 😂😂)

My heart also broke when Annabel rejected Angel as a soulmate 💔. Already knowing what's coming next I couldn’t stop the sadness I felt when Angel broke at Annabel's word and how Annabel stayed strong that time.

There were also some upsidedown twists showing a person can be many different person at times. Like... One time Annabel is so innocent and imprudent, but later again... Only She could fix the mess. So much personality twists and bondings 😍.

I really Don't like spoilers so I'm trying much not to spoil the story (if not seduce 😉) by my review. But I can at least guarantee to those who likes paranormal or extraordinary stories and such alike that this book will not disappoint you. I advise you to give it a go.

I've read the story much later since it was written in 2016 maybe (I assumed it looking at the time in the comments and the oldest one I caught is 2016 😂😂😂) and I'm looking forward to read the sequel for this book.

And, I want to say to those who haven’t read it, "Go and grab 6 bags of chips (5 chapters for each one 😊) and find a comfy zone (don't forget your coffee though) and start digging on it. And those who Have read the book, I hope you agree with me and love the book as much as I adore it ( but not more than me though 😁😁😁).

Finally, those who are reading this review (or whatever piece of something you want to call it), feel free to comment any mistakes or inappropriate writings cause I am NOT good at writing reviews.

I beg forgiveness in advance for any kind of mistakes or if I hurt anyone's feelings through my writing. So please, forgive any mistakes.

" Forgiveness lets you fly". 😇😇😇

~ Ettila

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