Chapter 17: making new habits

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ash then walked with Mewtwo to go see, a new movie that was out, when misty came out of fricken now were and tried to attack, ash just bitch slapped her, and began walking again...Mewtwo gulped not wanting to get on ash's bad side. 

Once the movie was over ash walked to a local dinner, and chatted with the people there before dropping off the meal his mom made for the workers. once ash was done he and Mewtwo headed back home, where ash showed him more movies and hung out with misty after she calmed down.

he also hung out with troy and gold, and Gary once he talked to him, about what happened at the party, since ash was still the most popular kid, he began to lead by example, and showed people it was cool, not to smoke or to drink, and lastly not get high, it took a while but people were stopping their bad habits, and following ash's lead.  

He demonstrated how to be nice to everyone, which people followed over time, people, were nice to one another, and no one felt left out.

ash then showed that getting good grades was important, and soon kids stopped goofing off so much in class, which made the staff extremely pleased, grades were going up, there was less punk-like activity going on, people had more people in their clicks.

Mewtwo still tended to try to mind control people but he was getting better at controlling that, soon enough ash graduated from high school, with a full diploma, and turned 18.

He also passed the driver's ed test, and could finally drive around, in the new car he got for his 18 birthday, Mewtwo and ash were now best friends, and Mewtwo had learned a lot from ash, on how to be a better person overall.

eventually, they started dating.....and ash's mom a hundred percent supported him on it.

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