Chapter 13: Viallin or Hero~?

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 Ash ran away as Mewtwo was focused on getting the last update. He then heard Mewtwo saying yes over and over then he then began to think. Mewtwo had never hurt anyone he had only tried to help ash is he really the villain, or is he trying to help in the way he thinks is best.

 Mewtwo pill's wait that makes Mewtwo sound like a drug lord...... the pills....only made people happy.....sure it made ash act like a jerk a bit.....but the popular boys were jerks to him first......well except brock....but everyone else picked on was low....but it was karma.....

He remembered when they did that to him.

 brock shouldn't have had that happen to him but wait could it be...Mewtwo was jealous of brocK?! and GARY?! why would he though......he then remember what Mewtwo snag

" You won't feel left out or unsure.....gone is human error and fear......shiny happy people....singing sweetly......." ash said to himself. " is Mewtwo really the villain? or misunderstood?"

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