Chapter seven: Morning

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"No get away from me!" A man was running away from some kind of group.

The group was wearing all black clothing and something to cover their faces. You were unable to see who they were. The man who was running away was the man of your first interrogation.

The trigger of a gun went off, hitting the man's leg. He fell down, unable to move. "No- please! I-I don't need revenge for anyone!"

The other people walked up to him and knocked him out. They took him to the bakery, woke him up again and made him one of them.

The man clearly had no choice. Soon after, he got into a fight with one of the Port Mafia members. He got captured.

The man went through even more pain than he already had for no reason at all.

Then you woke as well. It was pretty warm in the bed you were lying in. You then felt an arm over your waist. You looked at your side and saw Dazai cuddling with you.

You tried your hardest to remember what happened yesterday but nothing came to mind. All you would get was a headache.

'Hold on!' A thought came to your mind. You looked at yourself, then at Dazai and back again. You were both laying naked in Dazai's bed.

You gasped but soon covered your mouth. You didn't want to wake Dazai up. You carefully removed Dazai's arm from your waist and you got out of the bed. All your clothes were shattered around in the room.

When you finished collecting them again, you went out to search for the bathroom. It wasn't all that hard to find. You took a quick shower and chanced into your clothes.

Dazai was somehow still asleep. When you were done, you walked to the kitchen and searched for literally anything to make breakfast.

When you were walking through his house, you often found ropes or knives. 'Was he suicidal? He didn't tell me anything. Oh well, it would be hard to talk about anyway.'

When you had gathered some ingredients, you were able to make pancakes. As you mixed the ingredients together, you heard some commotion from the bedroom. From what you heard, Dazai had fallen out of his bed.

As fast as you possibly could, you ran to the bedroom only to find Dazai on the floor wrapped in blankets. "Dazai! Are you okay?"

You ran up to him and helped him back up. He nodded but kept the blankets around him. You gathered his clothes and handed them to him. "I'm making breakfast, once you're ready, come to the kitchen."

Dazai smiled while you made your way back to the kitchen. The dough of the pancakes was finished, all you had to do was bake them and they would be done.

You took out three plates. One to put the pancakes on and two for on the table. While you were baking the pancakes all kinds of thoughts crossed your mind.

'Should I read Dazai's mind?'

'He wouldn't notice.'

'Maybe I should.'

'It's for his own good.'

Four pancakes were finished and Dazai had finished changing. "(Y/n)! Good morning."

You turned off the fire and looked into his eyes. "Good morning, Dazai." You then immediately used your ability.

When you snapped back out, you were quite confused since you didn't do it on your own. The you saw Dazai was touching you, using his own ability.

"(Y/n). Why?"

All you saw was Dazai trying to kill himself. That was why he had those bandages. "I know how it feels. I understand it." You walked up to him and pulled him into a hug. "You should've told me."

"I couldn't tell you. I was afraid your view of me would change."

"Of course it doesn't change. Dazai." You pulled away from the hug and looked at him. "You need professional help. I just want you to be happy."

Dazai shook his head. "I'll be fine. As you can see. None of those attempts worked out."

You walked to the kitchen table and sat down. You gave Dazai three pancakes and held one for yourself. "I made these with love. I hope you like them."

Dazai smiled at the sudden change of expression but went with it. He sat down as well and took a bite. "This is delicious. Thank you!"

Suddenly you felt your phone vibrating. You took it out of your pocket and looked at the caller ID 'Slug'. Dazai saw this as well and laughed. "You didn't change his name yet! You're amazing (Y/n)!"

You grinned and picked up. "Yes, Chuuya-san what's up?"

"(Y/N)! IS DAZAI THERE?" You heard Chuuya scream over the phone. Dazai heard this as well and took the phone out of your hands.

"Yes I'm here." Dazai put the phone on speaker and continued eating.


You smirked and decided to butt into their conversation. "So you take back that you think Dazai is an idiot? Chuuya-san, does that mean you secretly like Dazai?"


You giggled at his response and looked at Dazai who seemed to be having the time of his life. "Chuuya. If you're gay for me. Just say so."

Then Chuuya hung up without saying anything. You and Dazai were laughing so hard, tears of joy came into your eyes. "D-dazai! That was gold!"

"I know right!" The two of you were still laughing a couple minutes later.

Then you and Dazai had finished your breakfast. "Thank you (Y/n). I really enjoyed it!" He complemented you.

You blushed a little bit and started washing everything by hand since Dazai didn't have a dishwasher. When you had finished two plates, Dazai came to help you with drying everything.

The teamwork made everything go faster. In the meantime, the clock had hit 10 a.m. "I think we should get going." You said as you gave the last fork to Dazai.

You took your phone off the table, shoved it into your pocket and walked towards the front door. You put on your shoes and waited for Dazai.

Dazai dried the last fork, put it away and followed you. He put on his shoes as well and opened the door. "Ladies first."

You smiled softly and walked outside with Dazai behind you. "Hey, Dazai. I don't remember what happened last night but let's forget it. Okay?"

Dazai's cheeks suddenly heated up and he looked away. "S-sure." It was clear he did remember something but just didn't want to admit it.

Dazai grabbed your hand and held it tightly into his own. Dazai's hands were soft and squishy. You tightened your grip as well.

The walk to the Port Mafia was silent as always. You had some people staring at you two since you still looked alike. It was funny to see their faces sometimes.

When you arrived at the mafia, everything was complete chaos.

Word count: 1177
I'm excited to write the last chapters! Yes the end is almost there, I'm sorry!! Next two chapters will probably be a lot longer than usually.

【Remember me!】Dazai x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora