[20]: Sacrifice

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[Laura's POV]

"We found a match, Laura."

        Those words had been playing over and over in my mind since I received the phone call from my doctor's office a few minutes ago.  The cordless phone, still in my left hand, my fingers clutching it as if it were my life line.  The mist in my mind, and the heavy weight on my chest that caused me to lose my breath had lifted from me.  The once dead hope I had felt before, was rising to life like a phoenix rising from the ashes.  There was someone out there, someone who could save my life.  Someone willing to give me life, freely.  I could breath again, I could live again.  I could still have those dreams of love and children again.  Someone out there had given me a second chance.

"Thank you." I whispered under my breath, with a small smile on my face.

"Uhh, you're welcome?  Not sure what you are thanking me for, or are you thanking Casper the friendly ghost over there?"  I hear Elise say from behind me.

        I slowly turn around, the radiant smile on my face shocking Elise.  She looks at me with an eyebrow quirked up as if asking me 'what the hell' in her expression.  She was probably shocked to see me smile, since I hadn't in at least a month.  Not since I had received the devastating news of my once impeding death.  Happiness had become such a foreign thought to me, that I had probably been a terrible person to deal with.  Through it all, Elise and Julian had stood by my side.  Taking me to my various appointments, and most of all my terrible mood swings.  I guess because of my attitude, Elise seeing me smiling would shock and confuse her a bit.

"They found a match, Elise."

        I watch her face, as my words register in her brain.  Understanding at my happiness dawning in her eyes as they widen with shock, then her own happiness.  I watch as she comes running the few feet that separated us, and places her lithe arms around me, embracing me in a hug.  While hugging me, she is jumping up and down slightly, as if her happiness could not be contained within her body.  Stepping away from me, we both have tears in our eyes.  Tears of sheer and utter happiness cascading in waterfalls down both our faces.

"Oh my god! Laura, does this mean what I think it means?!"

"I think it does.  I get to live Elise."

"You were always going to live, Laura.  You just didn't think you were, but I knew it.  Oh my God, when did you find out? Have you told your Aunt and Uncle?  What about Julian!?"

"Slow down woman, I just got the call.  You are the first person I told."

"Julian should be coming home any second.  He ran to the store to grab your prescriptions.  He's going to be so happy to hear the news!  You do want to tell him, right?"

"Of course I do.  What kind of idiotic question is that, woman?"

"Oh miss sassy pants is back, I see.  It's good to see the old Laura back."

"What the hell are you talking about Elise.  It wasn't as if I were dead."

"No, you weren't.  But Laura, you weren't exactly living either.  You just kind of existing.  I don't know if I am saying it right.  Please don't be angry with me.  But you just weren't you.  You know what I mean?"

"I can't be mad at you, and yes, I know.  I was probably acting a lot like you were when all that shit went down with Scott and that sloot, Giselle.  Huh?"

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