[9]: Expectant

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[Elise's POV]

        Apprehension coursed through me. I watched as the hand wrapped around the object that had changed my destiny, tremble violently with the knowledge it bestowed upon me. It's double lines penetrating the haze that was clouding my mind and eyes. The lines confirming what I had suspected for a few weeks now. Positive, it screamed out at me. I had hoped the nausea I was experiencing wasn't what I thought it was, but as the few days turned into more than a week, I had my suspicions. Trying to comfort myself, I had taken the test. Although I knew the results, I hadn't wanted to believe it. But here was the proof of the consequences of that night a little more than a month ago.

        I was ecstatic that I was carrying this little life inside of me. I had always wanted a large family, dreamed of it. As an only child, I had wanted a house full of children. My childhood hadn't been bad, it was actually very normal, My parents had shared a very loving marriage, and I had grown up with both of them. I knew what a happy home looked like because of them. But they had been years older than most of my friend's parents. They had told me growing up, that after years of trying and failing, they had finally come to terms that they would not have children. It wasn't until my mother had almost turned 50 and my father near 60, that a miracle had happened, me. They had doted on me, and loved me completely. I never questioned their love for me, ever. I loved them so much as well. My birth took its toll on my mother's body because of her age. Over the years as I grew up, she became frailer and frailer. When I had turned 20, my mother passed away of natural causes. My father passed away a mere four months later, and I always believe that he did from a broken heart after my mom's passing. It had been a darker period of my life, but knowing that I was loved and of course having Laura there, I had worked through it.

        But growing up as a single child, I had always wished I had someone to play with, since my parent's didn't always have the energy. So I had determined when I was married, I would hope to have at least two. But now, with this, I was leery.

Would Scott want this child?

If he did, would he want more with me?

How would he feel about it?

Would he hate the child because of who its mother was?

Would he treat the child as he did me?

Would he love the child?

        All questions only Scott could answer, and I couldn't hide it from him. I needed to speak with him about this as soon as possible. I hide the pregnancy test in the cabinet under my sink under some extra towels. Standing back up, I turned the facet on and began washing my hands. Leaning over the sink for a second, I splashed some water over my pale face. Hoping it would bring some of the color back. Turning off the water, I shook my hands over the sink to get rid of excess water, before picking up the hand towel. Using it, I dried my face and hands. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the en suite, then out of the bedroom door.

        As I proceeded to Scott's office to talk to him, my mind began to wander again. The same questions brewing in my head over and over. I was nervous and tense. I had no idea how Scott would react to this news. Maybe this child could heal some of the broken that was inflicted. Though I didn't want the baby to have a job before it was even born, it might just change our current way of life. But I wasn't sure of Scott or who he was anymore, but as the father, he should know.

        As I was thinking this, I felt my body slam into his. I hadn't realized how much I was in my head until this moment. Watching him as he had one hand on his cell phone, he looked up at me before placing it in his pant pocket quickly. As we stood there, he told me about a party we would be attending at Damien's house. Damien had seemed nice on the few occasions we had seen him. The last time being a few months prior to announce his engagement. As I listened to Scott talking to me about the party, I couldn't help but cringe at what he had said to me. It was as if I were a child, and he was talking to me as if he were the parent and he must tell the errant child how to act.

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