(20) The UA Sports Festival Part 1

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Days went by and soon turned to weeks as it was finally time for the long awaited UA Sports festival.

Those 2 weeks the students spent training and studying, sharpening their senses and improving their quirks. Many people were anticipating the festival except Amy who was stuck in a situation.

"Shit, shit, shit I am going to be late" she said sprinting down the hallway.
"Why did I agree to help the teachers with the preparations. Don't get me wrong I love helping but I didn't think that it would take this much time. Stupid dad and stupid media" she rambled as she sprinted down the hallway.

"Here it is!" she exclaimed as she is now standing infront the door of her class's waiting room. 

'Okay. Breath in and out. Inhale and exhale. You got this' she finished slowly reached the door handle.
"Aizawa wait" said Iida.
"Oh hey Iida. How are you? Nervous" 
"A bit yes but I will manage"

"That's good to hear. Are you coming to inform the class" she asked as he nodded confirming her and walking in.
"Everyone are you ready. We will be entering soon"

"Hello everyone. Ready to kick some asses" she said as a few people acknowledging her precense by nodding but the evident tension still presented. Amy decided to leave it at that preparing for the festival herself.

While putting her hair in a high ponytail she heard some commotion as a low calm voice interupted her thought.

"T-todoroki? What it is" 
"Looking at things objectively I think I am stronger than you" 
"Uhm...yeah" Midoriya confirmed.
"But... All Might has his eyes on you. And I'm not trying to pry about that but I'm going to beat you"

"Oh is that another declaration of war I hear"
"So sudden" said Kirishima.
"Yeah so what" Todoroki finished with a slighty annoyed tone making his way out of the room.

"Strange... Oh hey Mina. Are you ready"
"Of course I am. But man I wish I could wear my hero costume"
"You know that we can't so as to keep everything fair" said Ojiro.
"I know. But it sucks"

"Well with or without I am going to beat you" said Amy determined.
"Heyyy. That hurt you know. I'm even starting to worry about you because you have been spending more time with Blasty" she grinned as she knew that she had struck a nerve.

"That's not true I spend time with you too" Amy said trying to defend herself but when your friend is Mina there is no escape from her and her rambling. Which git the attention of the said blonde.

"What the fuck wrong with you. Why are you so uptight all of a sudden" asked Kastuki with an annoyed tone.
"I-It's nothing" Amy blurted.
"If you say so" he said with a slightly confused expresion his scowl as evident as ever.

"By the way don't say something stupid out there since you're the class representative" she said loud enough so only he could hear her.
"Oh shut the fuck up. You know me better than those extras" he finished grinning.

'Definitely going to say something stupid'

"Hello everybody. Pay attention audience and swarm mass media because this year's event is  going to take you through thick and thin as these participants are not what they seem. They may be young but don't mistake their looks because this experience is going to be unforgettable. So everyone are you ready for THE UA SPORTS FESTIVAL" cheers erupted from the whole crowd as the students made their way in the centre of the stadium.

"Wow I'm getting quite nervous already" said Midoriya.
"Don't be Midoriya as this is also part of the training requered to becoming a hero" said Iida.
"Yeah right but is this all necessary" exclaimed Amy.
"Damn a little going overboard with the introductions, aren't we" chirped Kirishima.
"Are you nervous Bakugo" 
"No. Just getting more into it"

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