(14) How It All Began

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"So enough with the chit chat because there is something I have been hiding from all of you and I think you deserve to know the truth"

"So before I start I want to ask you have you heard of the 'Sombra origin' if not that is understantable"

"Actually I have read somewhere about it in the Internet but it said that the said person was way older than we see like she was said to be in her early 30s at like ten years ago" Midoriya pointed out.

"That is right because the said person behind the actual name wasn't me. I just simply took it after a certain accident. And before you overflow me with questions hear the story of my 'Sombra origin' "

"It all happened after THAT NIGHT, the night when I was kidnapped...."


Sombra POV

"That time I was only 4 years old when I got separated from my family and it wasn't a great sight. It included all the 'best' things you could imagine but I won't go into details.

It went from zero to hundred way too fast. From my mother to struggling to safe me to becoming a punching and a sex doll all in one then later on left to bled out"

"But where was your dad" asked Mina.
"Well he had to leave for work because he was working late at night as a hero and me and my mother were going to bed at around that time so it didn't bother us that much"

"But if he was a hero why did he work this late and plus leaving you alone doesn't seem like a good choice'' said Sero.

"You are right but he didn't have a choice. He had to make money for us so as to provide food for the table. After all my mother couldn't afford to start a job at the time and working as a hero at night was and still is better paid job plus he has more free time during the day and when my mother did eventually find a job he'd usually do the chores around the house and take me from preschool. But back to the story.

As much as I want to forget about what happened I just can't and don't go on pitying me or whatever it's called it won't do you any good. Anyways everything that happened there is still giving me nightmares. After the kidnapping I was taken to their base where things became worse.

For the short period of time which was about three years I think maybe more I got to experience some horrifying things some of which most people would have died. Then there are the occasional experiments on my whole body and some tortures here and there for some colour.

At around that time I for the first time lost control over my actions but how can you blame me. It was like my whole body was burning with the desire to kill and be free.

And at some point I just snapped. I don't know what really happened but whatever happened helped me escape leaving their whole base in ruins and all their time and efforts in vain. But still nothing changed about me. I was free from that place but not from the damage they had done.

I still ached to see my dad and mom so I spent the next year and a half in search of my parents. While I did see a lot of people they were just afraid of me and left me with the words 'don't worry a hero will come to save you' but that hero never came and I felt more lonely than ever until SHE came.

E D I T E D 👏

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