(35) Study study

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It's the next morning and everything seems to be back to normal and in peace but soon that peace would have to be ruined.

As Amy stood up and seeing the peaceful faces of her friends she contemplated whether or not to wake them up.

After all it was the weekend and the girls would need to take as much rest as they possibly can because as of Monday every day would be packed up with test and there will be assignments deadlines to be met so balancing out on school work and sleeping would be next to impossible.

So with the least of noise she could make Amy tiptoed outside of Mina's room and up she went to the common area to make some coffee but even that task seemed to be hard to do as someone forgot to restock on coffee and now she couldn't drink her favourite drink.

"Ugh why does this happen to me" she let out a frustrated sigh. And as if god himself heard her someone came into the kitchen.

"Can you be any more louder" grumbled a very tired looking blonde.
"I would if only there were any coffee that I could enjoy while being quiet" she replied making air quotes on the word quiet.

"And you thought that you'd ruin someone else's morning just because there wasn't any coffee" the boy returned back to which she nodded her head.

"If it needs to then yes"

"Tch. Let's go then"
"Go where" she questioned clearly confused at the boy's lack of emotion.
"Just follow my lead I don't want to get in more trouble than I already do" Bakugou finished not giving time for debating.

"You know you could have just told me we were going to the nearby cafe" the ravenate commented as they walked back towards the school grounds each of them with a drink at hand.

"And where is the fun in that. You should have seen your reaction it was a priceless mixture of being both  confused and annoyed" he smirked while sipping from his own drink.

"Well I'd certainly have laughed at your bed head if it wasn't for the fact that I didn't have any coffee to drink from to which I didn't get you for the person to drink a COCOA like seriously" Amy stated before erupting in hysterical laughter which infuriated the blonde even more resulting in him slamming the front door of their dorms which made their situation even worse than it already was.

As upon reaching the common room there stood almost the whole class including their homeroom teacher.

"And where were you two" Aizawa stated in a serious tone both angry but slightly worried for his students one of which is his own daughter.

"Uhm outside" the daughter replied back.
"At 8am in the morning on Saturday day hm"
"I can explain" Bakugou interrupted.
"Please do Bakugou" the teacher deadpanned.

"You see this dumbass had run out of coffee which resulted in her yelling in frustration which in return woke me up and since I didn't want to hear her nagging of not having anything else to drink I took her out to buy one"

"Hey I wasn't the only one. You also bought for yourself-"
"Don't finish that sentence" he threatened her while holding her mouth shut so as not to embarrass himself.

"Okay I get it but next time don't just go out without informing a teacher in advance. Am I clear" said the ravenate teacher feeling exhausted at this conversation.

"Yes teach"

"Yes dad"

"So going out for a coffee with the crush. i see" Mina wiggled her eyebrows.
"Doon't start it"interrupted the ravenete as she chugged the drink in one go and sprinted to her room to get her textbooks ready for her study session with the anger issued blonde.

You see it was supposed to be a normal study session but here is where things changed.

It would have been normal in any circumstances but having a study session with the loud obnoxious blonde proved to be the best exact opposite.

"Stop yelling at me" the girl herself yelled.
"I wouldn't be if it weren't for you not remembering anything of what I said" the said blonde yelled back.

"If it weren't for you always hitting me for getting an answer wrong I wouldn't have had any problems"

"How can I not hit you while you make mistakes every 5 seconds"

"As if you are any better. You also make mistakes and no one hits you"

"You want me to hit myself and No I don't make any mistakes"

"Some of your test say otherwise"

"And how do I know you are not lying"

"Oh please I've seen my dad grade your tests and you too make mistakes" And at this the blonde shut up

"What did I hurt your ego" Amy joked.

"So what would you suggest Emo chick"

"Well for starters don't hit me and maybe then I could really focus on properly learning. And damn Kiri I don't know how you can handle this oversized peacock"


"Oh boo hoo you asshole. I'm not talking to you"

"Calm down Em that's just Bakubro's way of teaching"

"I can see that but it won't hurt to tone down a little that aggression. It won't do him any good in the long run"

"I can see your point but it's not our decision to make" the redhead shrugged.

"You saying it like I can't be gentle"

"But are we wrong though" asked Amy shutting up her classmate.

"I'll show you fuckers that I can do it"

"I'd like to see you try" finished the ravenete.

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