(19) Declaration Of War

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It was the next day after the small breakdown Amy had so it was no surprise that she was feeling a little tired but despite it a long day was awaitng her and she knew it.

After debating for a few minutes whether to get up or not she made her decision and went straight to the common area to have her daily dose of caffeine.

She always loved to wake up way early as it gave her a sense of accomplishment knowing she is one of the very few people in this world to wake up at this hour. Also watching the sun rise from the ground always semed to make her day feel a little less darker.

After four cups of coffee it was time for her morning jog.

Still no sigh of anyone being awake or that's what she expected.

"What the fuck are doing up this early"
"Pfff hahaha. What happened to your hair" she asked seeing the condition of his hair.

"Shut up. As if yours is better"
"Ruude" she hissed a small pout appearing on her face.
"What's the time"
"6:47 why?"
"Oh shit I'm late" she finished long gone before Bakugo could yell die.

By the time she made her way downstairs most of the class had already left for school.
"Morning" Amy greeted the few people present in the common room.
"Morning girl how are you" said Mina waiving at her.
"Feeling refreshed"
"Damn girl what's with the bruise on your arm"
"Oh I fell down the stairs"
"Not surprised there" the pink haired girl laughed it off as they set off to school.

At school

Walking down the hallway she was greeted by the class rep Iida scolding Boom boom boy.

"Bakugo stop putting your feet on the desk it's so disrespectful towards the people who made the desk and the seniors who sat here before you"

"Shut up four eyes. Didn't you learn your lesson or should I remind you. Fuck off before I set you on fire" the said boy yelled his face resembling that of a little gremlin.

"This isn't any way to talk to your clasmates"
"Iida just leave him alone will you. No one wants to get on his bad side much less this early in the morning" interupted Amy.

"Excuse me for my behavior but it's just my responsibility as a class rep to make sure everything is in order" 

"Well here you are wrong. So let me help you. *Ahem* "Kastuki fucking Bakugo could you kindly put your smelly feet down or I'm going to take some not very hero like measures and make you regret your decision to apply here all the way to your grave. And you don't want that to happen, do you" said Amy in a neutral yet terrifying way similar to that of Aizawa a sneer placed on her face scaring the shit out of the almost the full classroom even Bakugo to some degree as he huffed and quickly put his feet down.

"Here you go Iida. I hope there won't be any problems from now on" she finished returning to her cheerful posture.

After that the class continued like normal or as normal as it can get.

It was now the last class for the day and the students of 1A were about to head back to their dorms.

Key word about.

That alone was kind of impossible due to the comotion outside the classroom.

"What is happenig" asked concerned Uraraka
"Yeah what business do you have with us" continued Iida as a few other students started wondering which gained the attention of the class who looked outside their classroom. 

"Looks like someone is scouting out the enemy. What a small fry" started Bakugo.
"After all we were the one who were attacked by the villains. So it's no wonder why they are here" 

"That's Kacchan in neutral" whispered Deku to Mineta.

"But that is just stupid and annoying. Out of my way extras" the angry blonde stated as Amy tried to surpress a laugh. 

"Stop calling people extras just because you don't know them" but befote Iida could continue he got interupted by certain someone.

"I just came to see what the famous 1A looks like but you seem pretty arrogant" said a purple haired male which gained Amy's attention who was sitting on her seat waiting for everyone to leave.

"Are all students in the hero course like that" Iida, Uraraka, Midoriya and Mineta vigouriously shook their heads as Katsuki just growled.

*sigh* "Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned" an interesting thing about him were the large bags under his eyes which strangely reminded Amy of her father. That caught her attention as she lazily awaited what he had to say, her hand suporting her head.

"There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you knew that the school has left those of us a chance and depending on the results we may be able to transfer into the hero course and that may leave the posibility of transfering some people out. So scouting the enemy is the least of my worries. What I came here is to say that just because you are of the hero course doesn't mean you are something more than the rest of us and have things go your way because believe it or not you may not be here the next time and someone may take your place. So instead I came with a declaration of war nothing more nothing less"

'What a bold person' most of the class thought.
"Booooring. I didn't know that the students of the other classes can be this bold but what can you expect from UA" interupted Amy.

"And if you aren't the new student who transfered not long ago. Care to explain to me how did you manage to transfer considering the fact each class consist of 20 students thus making you the 21st huh. I bet you paid your way in or maybe just maybe there is something more" 

'Tch too smart for my liking but hey maybe I can get something out of this' she thought bitting into her inner corner of her cheek so as to keep her mouth in check.

"What are you trying to imply"  
"You know what I am talking about"
"Nope not a clue pwetty boy" she said popping the p as most students cackled at the comment.

"Just leave her the fuck alone you purple freak before you get yourself even more embarased. Also that's something for her to tell" screamed the now angry hedgehog.

"Oww. Someone is overprotective. Did I struck a nerve" the unknown boy said cockyly trying to intimidate Katsuki. While he did question why he did what he did now was not the time and he knew it.

"Hah I know what you're trying to imply and it's not going to work. But to tell you this I accept your stupid challenge you freak so move out my way you damn extra"  

"Bakugou you can't do that. It isn't manly at all. To top it all because of your behavior everyone now hates us" replyed Kirishima. 

"It doesn't matter"
"What?" the red head questioned.
"It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top" he finished as he walked away leaving everyone dumbstruck.

Slowly after that some students had already but not before Amy saying something that got the purple haired boy's attention.

"Hey you. I don't know what your problem really is but I will show you what I and the whole class are made of and show you that each one of us deserves their place. YOU HEAR ME" she yelled bumping shoulders with him as she slowly made her way out leaving everyone who was still here and the boy amused.

"We'll just wait and see then" he murmured and laughed it off.

E D I T E D 👏

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