Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Alicia's POV

As soon as the bell rang i was out of my seat and heading for the door, i didn't want to wait up for Jake because i knew he'd be with Austin, and i really didn't want to see that ass's face. As i walked out the door..

''ALICIA! hold up'

My heart jumped a mile and i turned to see who it was

''what the hell Bella!? you scared the shit out of me!'' 

''Oh sorry..didn't realise i was loud'' she muttered

I noticed quiet a few people looking at us like we were mad but i just brushed it off and walked ahead with this baffoon skipping along. It's not going to take long for me to get used to her, she was just like my old friends. I know right, i don't know why i always end up with crazy friends, i like it though.

"what's the rush, there's no monsters chasing you!' she exclaimed

"Yeah maybe not monsters, but  something near to that''


"No time to talk, let's go'' i said pulling her arm

I guess this school isn't so bad, my first day, my first class and i've already made a friend. 

---- Lunch

"Oh god, i'm starving!'' moaned Bella

"well if you move those legs of yours a little we might get to lunch before you fall apart''

"im walking, you want me to sprint or something?'' 

"that would help''

''shut up''


"Alicia, seriously, shut up''

"You must on your period or something''

""It's called being hungry. Search it up"

"I prefer asking you instead Bellaboo' i teased

"jheez,  Do you ever shut up? ALLYFOOL''

"That's one of the main things im terrible at. It's a shame to be honest"

"Really? i think i may be able to teach you how'' 

......"how exactly are you gonna do that"

"you'll see" She smiled

Oh heck no..

"Actually i think i do know. I was only kiddin'' i fake laughed

" I'll show you anyway'' 

Ok yep im dead.

Heading into the Cafeteria, i looked around for the two idiots but i couldn't spot them anywhere. Thank God.

I got my sandwhich and was about to sit down before i felt a hand on my shoulder.

'AAHH' I screamed and wipped around, ready to go on ninja mode.

"whoa calm down! don't go all Jackie Chan on my ass'' said Jake as he put his arms up

GOD! what is it with these people! 

"What the heck Jake, don't ever do that you punk!'' i spat, irritated

"Chill sis! what's gotten into you"

"i met Bella" i simply stated

"Oh god, here comes double trouble. Is she as annoying as you? because i'd rather jump off a cliff' 

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