"you don't need to know."

"fine, then what can you tell me?"

"that we're going to a place you know."

I just looked at him completely confused.

"what? I cant tell you it'll ruin the fun."

"okay, fine." I said "but you need to keep talking to me, I cant remain quiet in car ride."

"aren't you quiet most of the time?"

"you know me for a year, when I have been quiet?"

"when you first met me."

"that's cause I didn't know you and you were a little weird."

He gave me the 'what are you talking about look'

"come on, you spent an hour talking about auras."

"hey, you bored me with an argument on whose better fairies or mermaids."

"that's cause my friend said mermaids are better when they clearly aren't."

And this way we continued arguing about whose more boring him or me, and the answer is him.

"okay, you need to close your eyes now." he said, after about half an hour after our argument.


"just do it please."


When I shut my eyes I could feel his hands around my face as he wrapped a cloth over my eyes.

"if whatever you have planned isn't good then you're gonna pay for it"

"it will be the best. Trust me. Now stay in the car don't move. Okay?"


I could hear him opening and closing the car door and I felt the urge to remove the blindfold but I didn't because as I was about to do it I could picture his sad face in my mind.

"okay, I'm back" he said "now I'm opening your side of the car door so you can step out."

"I cant see."

"catch my hand"

Then he opened the door and I found myself squeezing his hand for support to walk which caused me to blush

"okay take off the blindfold."

When I removed the blind float I was totally amazed with what I saw. There was a picnic set up in a park which looked very familiar and in the background I heard a familiar tune play.

I could feel the pieces of the puzzle join together, tears formed in my eyes.

"is this...really?"

"it's what you told me was your most precious memory, sitting in the park eating ice cream and staring at the stars as you listen to moonlight on a loop."

"thank you, it's beautiful." I said, embracing him in a hug


Saying this we walked towards the park and sat on the green grass which made me realize that I should have dressed in a path shirt combo and not a dress.

We remained silent for awhile, enjoying the ice cream, weather and music. It was beautiful.

"listen Elina" Nick said softly "I need to ask you something?"

"uh-huh" I said, barely listening to his question since I was lost in reliving my childhood memories.

"I'm listening." I said, even though I had no clue what Nick had said.

"I like you, like I really like you and I don't think I could be friends with you knowing that one day you're going to go and date someone else." he said

I almost chocked on my chocolate chip ice cream when I heard him say this. From when did people started liking me in such a manner? I had no idea but surprisingly I felt the same way about him.

"then don't be my friend"

"what-" before he could complete his sentence I kissed him on the lips.

Wow, I had never done anything like that in my life and I never thought I would. When we pulled apart I felt a sort of excitement mixed with a sense of surprise, it was a feeling I never thought I could feel, it was very hard to describe but it came from the core of my heart, that's for sure.

"blue" I said when we pulled apart


"the color of my aura it's blue" I said "I did the test"

"really?" he said "you know, blue signifies-"

"stop" I laughed

"I wasn't going to go into much depth anyways" he said

I just laughed and so did he.

My life after three months, now was finally on the right track and I couldn't be more happier at this point. Even what happened with Rosa was an experience I never want to forget from my life, although she cause me unbelievable amounts of physical and mental pain it was worth knowing the importance of keeping a cool head as a human and even as a ghost...

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