Love is a miracle

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I told James whatever Nick had told me regarding the house. He appeared afraid (I mean, who wouldn't be) yet remained calm.

"So we're living in a haunted house and our parents don't know?" he asked me when I finished speaking.

"Yes, since they weren't informed." I said

Silence filled the room as James and I were thinking what to do next. At least now we both were aware that our lives were in danger and maybe if we think properly we can save ourselves.

I was thinking of what to do next. Five minutes passed, then ten minutes passed yet I couldn't think of anything.

All of a sudden a thought popped into my mind. The link that didn't open yesterday might hold some key information which could help us, only if it opened.

"James, could we try to open the link which didn't opened yesterday?" I asked him, breaking the fifteen minute silence.

"Okay." He said, he didn't sound quite confident though.

He opened his laptop to google the unopened link. Surprisingly it opened pretty quickly, and displayed the following information:

Sylvester K Pierce, a famous chair manufacturer of the 1800s, was one of the most famous chair manufacturers of his time and built chairs for people of great importance. In the 1870s he made a huge profit in his business, which led to the creation of his famous mansion containing ten bedrooms, elaborate Victorian style of architecture, eleven foot ceiling and original 1800s design and furniture even today.

However apart from the house being beautiful and famous it was and still is claimed to be responsible for multiple deaths. It started by the death of the owner of the house, which has theories stating that his two sons killed him for the property. Followed by the death of his daughter Rosa K Pierce, her two brothers are presented as murderers in various theories. The Pierce family ended with the death of the two brothers John K Pierce and Paul K Pierce, who appeared to have died by the hands of a ghost in the beautiful mansion.

Future owners also faced the consequence of death when they lived in the Victorian styled mansion for longer than a year or two.

"Are there articles on the theories?" I asked James

This article provided me certain information, but not the information I desired. I wanted to know what exactly happened to the Pierce family and why did all of them die immediately after the building of this beautiful mansion.

"I found one." Said James

"Open it."

Thankfully the link opened with no issues, it was regarding Rosa K Pierce, stating the following information about her:

Rosa K Pierce, daughter of Sylvester K Pierce led a life of pain and misery in a joyful manner. Compared to her brothers, she helped her father extremely in his business for which he loved her dearly. Unfortunately due to the stereotypical mindset of the past, she just received a beautiful necklace with a heart shaped pendant made of pure gold which belonged to her late mother. Her brothers received their father's business. Instead of being angry about this she accepted what she received joyfully without causing an issue.

However she died in an unjust and painful manner on one of the happiest days of her life, the day of her wedding. As the house was getting decorated Rosa went to her father's study to discuss a private matter. When she entered the room she saw seething which she shouldn't have seen. Her two brothers had tied their father to a chair and in their hand was a glass bottle containing an extremely powerful acid, which instantly turned their father in to what appeared to be ashes. When Rosa saw this happening, she questioned her brothers however they did the same for her which led to her death.

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