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I don't know how long it had been since I could finally feel my arms and feet. In a matter of few seconds I could hear my heart beating and my breathing. I tried moving my arm a little but it just hurt terribly so I remained still. Then I tried opening my eyes, unfortunately I could barely open it so I kept it shut. All I could do was listen to my breathing, my heartbeat and my never ending pessimistic thought.

After a few minutes I felt a little stronger yet I couldn't move any part of my body. Once again I tried opening my eyes, they opened half-way. Sadly keeping them opened caused me some kind of pain which I had never felt before, which was a shooting pain through my nerves. Hence my eyes remained shut.

But for the brief moment where I could partially see my surroundings I noticed two familiar faces except I couldn't recognize them since my vision was blur.

The only part of my body which functioned normally was my ear, thanks to it I heard this conversation...

"Eli, wake up"

"are you okay?"

"you can clearly see she's not okay, idiot. Get some water!"

"how is she friends with you?"

"cause I'm a kind and sweet person who listens to others when they ask for water!"


From their voices I understood it was Ari and James. I wanted to burst in to laughter that very second but if I could barely open my eyes how could I laugh?

I tried again, for the third time to open my eyes, this time I was successful. I opened my eyes slowly and I managed to keep them that way for a couple of seconds without any pain.

"hey girl, you okay?" I heard Ari ask me when she saw my eyes open.

"so it's okay for you to ask her?" I heard James ask Ari arrogantly

"she's awake now" Ari said giving him the death stare.

"could you help me up please?" I asked trying to get up.

Ari caught my hand and pulled me up while James got a chair on which I sat. I noticed my fist clenched, and as I opened my palm I saw 'the necklace'. Honestly I felt a little scared looking at the necklace, I wasn't sure if it was meant to protect me or destroy me. At first I thought it protected me but now I felt it was killing me.

"could you tell us what happened?" Ari asked me in a soft and loving voice.

I nodded and told them everything, including what I thought about the necklace.

James and Ari had the same reaction, a nervous panicked yet calm expression. When I finished speaking, they said nothing because nothing needed to be said, their expression said it all...

"what time it you guys reach here?" I asked, breaking the silence



"are you feeling better? Should we call the doctor?" Ari asked

"no, I'm fine"

"that's great"

" okay, so I'm going to get back to my homework" James said in his usual uninterested tone.

"wait, James" I said


"do you also get nightmares about you killing people?"

He didn't say anything for a while, instead he walked towards me and sat on a chair, facing me.

The Haunted MansionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang