Dreamin' in My Way

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He nodded and I took it as a sign to tell him everything. When I was done he looked expressionless and lost. I stared into his eyes for a few seconds, hoping that my serious yet tired face brought some sense into his expressionless one.

"So you're a victim of the paranormal?" he asked after those few seconds. He seemed worried now.

"Yes, my brother and I." I replied

"Did you speak to someone?" he asked

"Only Anisha knows no one else." I said "speaking of which, where is Anisha?"
"She didn't come to school today." Nick said


Then I heard the bell ring, class was about to start and I needed to get my stuff.

"I'll see you in lunch, Nick?" I asked him.

I didn't know if he would want to be friends with someone who was haunted by the paranormal.

"Of course." He said walking away

When I entered class I notice people staring at my hand and feeling sorry for me, it was extremely annoying. And the worst part? It happened in all lectures.

In lunch I met Nick in the canteen, he seemed normal. I mean he didn't look happy, anger or sad, just a plain face staring into space.

"hey." I said as I sat on the chair

"hi, how's your hand?"

"Better, I guess."

"That's good. Listen, about what you were saying earlier, I have some information regarding It." he said with a tensed expression

"What?" I asked. His tensed expression scared me and I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know what he was going to tell me.

"Well...I wasn't sure at first but when I did some research I was a hundred percent sure." He said, making eye contact indicating how serious he was. "When you told me that your house was the one built by Sylvester K Pierce, I did some research and it confirmed my suspicions"

"God...just tell me, you dragging the topic isn't making my life easier." I said, annoyed by his dumb intro kind of thingy.

"What I am saying is that your house is haunted." he blurted out.

There was an extremely long pause. I stared at him during that long pause, making sure he wasn't joking. He looked back at me with sincere yet worried eyes. He wasn't joking.

I tried my best to absorb this piece of information without crying like a little kid or going crazy like a maniac. My house, haunted? Oh god no. I would like to think that in sixteen years of my existence I haven't annoyed any ghost. Looks like I was wrong.

"Would you like to know more, maybe?" he asked me in a soft sympathetic tone.

There's more? As much as I wanted to know more, I was scared as hell. I thought that if I could get more information, I could maybe convince my parents to leave the house.

But what if the information isn't what I'm expecting it going to be? What if I end up messing with evil? Oh god, I can already feel my organs shutting down preparing my death.

I think my brain was the first to shut down because I found myself saying a "yes" to the question Nick asked.

"The reason I said your house is haunted is because the people who stayed there before you all died in the same painful manner." He paused, checking to see if I was absorbing the information and not freaking out. "The way those people died isn't known to anyone except a lady who witnessed the paranormal death of her husband."

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