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Don't eat.
Don't fucking eat.
You're fat.
You're ugly.
He'll never love you if you weigh this much.
If you don't eat, maybe he'll be able to actually pick you up.
You control your body, so just don't eat it.
Eat less.
Your thighs shouldn't touch.
Drink water.
Look at what you are about to eat,
Do you really need it?
You're not that hungry.
You can go without it.
Think of how pretty you'll look if you keep this up.
You can do it.
Put the food down.
You want to stop hating your body, right?
You hate what you see in the mirror.
You can change it, lose the weight.
You'll be able to fit into anything.
You want to be perfect, don't you?
Soon you can see you're hipbones, and ribs.
You'll be happy soon as long as you don't eat so,
Don't eat.
Still hungry?

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