Lyra pulled away for air, and the world around them seemed to come back into focus a bit. She clung to the front of him attempting to remember how to breathe. George had his hands placed on the desk at her sides leaning over her slightly. She looked up and met his eyes and felt herself go very red at the realization of what she had done.

He grinned at her that dangerous spark in his eye. She went even more red. "Wow." He said, "Lyra Stone, you've been holding out on me."

Her eyes widened with shock and her grip tightened, "no-no, well I mean a little bit but it was because I wasn't sure how letting my walls down completely would affect you in such close-"

George roared with laughter, and if it wasn't one of the most memorizing sound in the world, Lyra would have been insulted. "It's okay Lyra, I was only joking. I understand your caution, and it's not like we haven't had trouble with getting carried away in the past. I think if you hadn't held back the first time you kissed me, if it was like that, I may have mauled you in front of Ravenclaw's entrance."

Her heart quickened at the thought. "S-so you feel it too then?"

"Duh" He said lightly placing a hand on her cheek "anytime I touch you, I can feel you, your emotions, and sometimes I can even see things. Like when you finally told Fred and me that you were an empath."

She placed her hand over his. "I'm glad, I can be myself with you." But it was something he already knew.

He smiled, "Not that I mind being pulled into a random classroom for a good snog, but was there a particular reason for it? Or was that just an excuse? because you certainly never need an excuse."

Lyra turned bright red again, and she wrinkled her nose. "Don't say snog."

"So there is a reason then?" He pressed with a grin. He could tell she was avoiding the question.

"Y-yes, but-"

"Oh no buts Lyra Stone, out with it."

She groaned, "alright, but no teasing."

"no promises."

Lyra glared at him, but he thought it was more of an attempt to hide her blush then because she was actually mad at him. "You, well you make me feel braver than I've ever felt before. When I think of you, and everyone else I'm able to do things I would have never been able to do..." She turned an even darker shade of red and looked down at her feet. Her arms self consciously wrapped around herself. "...So I thought maybe if I was close to you right before my meeting, it would be easier to be brave."

George felt his heart clench, but he didn't think telling her how adorable she was would necessarily boost her confidence. He reached up and gently unwrapped her arms, placing them on his chest again. She looked back up at him shocked. "Well if that's the case." He leaned in fanning her with his breath, "I should make a point to kiss you every day." 

Lyra once again felt very dizzy. She held onto him tighter for balance and closed her eyes in an attempt to slow her racing heart and butterfly filled stomach. She heard a chuckle, and then felt his lips softly meet hers. He kissed her sweetly, and slowly. As if he could fit the way he felt about her in a single kiss.

When he pulled away her eyes fluttered open and looked up at him again. George had to stop himself from leaning back in.

"I thought I said no teasing," she said breathlessly.    

"I'm not teasing." He said with a grin "I'm dead serious."

"I'll have to leave soon if I want to make my meeting on time."

He grinned, clearly, she was changing the subject. "Do you want me to walk you?"

"No, you should really go eat some lunch."

"I'm not the one who skipped breakfast." He scolded.

As if on queue, Lyra's stomach growled and he looked at her as if to say I told you so. "Don't remind me." she sighed.  He stepped back away from her, reaching up and starting to undo his tie. She looked at him wearily.

"Relax" He laughed pulling it off, "and hold out your arm."

She did so, but her eyes were still full of caution, warning him not to try anything funny. He gently rolled up her sweater and dress shirt past her elbow. Then loosely wrapped the tie around her forearm. He pulled her sleeves back down and tucked in the loose ends. "There. Now you've got something of mine with you."

she jumped up and wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a hug. "You're too good to me George Weasley."

he snorted, "I highly doubt snogging you, and giving you a tie constitutes me as a good boyfriend."

"Well to me it does."

"We'll have to raise your standards then."

"Too late George Weasley, you're stuck with me."

He tightened his grip on her and spun the two of them around. She let out a cry of profanities, but he could feel her joy. Stopping suddenly, he grinned up at her. "Good, because you're stuck with me too."

The Order and The Ravenclaw (A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now