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Ace's pov
"Sir!! We found them!" A voice ran through my radio. I quickly grabbed it as others started loading in the vans.

"Where are you?!?!" I rushed back as he gave me the coordinates. We rushed there through all the sand and bushes. I need to retrieve my queen immediately.

"What's the plan Ace?" Ethan asked as we pulled up and the van stopped. I locked my gun in place and looked at him.

"We go in. Full force through every door. Stealth didn't work last time and I won't lose them again. Now move!" We all rushed out of the vans. Some ran to the back following my instructions as the rest of us busted in through the main door.

Bullets rang screaming like jets soaring through the sky on the 4th of July. We pushed forward Kyle and Ethan never leaving my side. If we seen something we shot it. We had one goal. Hazel and to take the heads of those who took her from me.

"ACE! WHY MUST THESE MEN DIE WHEN WE CAN MAKE A DEAL!" Eric, he stood there like he was a king when he was only a peasant playing a role.

"HOLD FIRE!" My voice rang over the bullets as they slowly stopped. I knew anything could be a trick but I didn't care. I just needed to see her.

"Tell me Ace. What makes a man chase a girl? Her beauty? Her smarts? Her dominance? Oh wait no not that. Must be her pregnancy right? Building your disgusting blood line onward correct? Tell me Ace, when you came to America were you ready for the heat? Because I see nothing but a boy put in a mans position." His goal was to make me mad. I wasn't dumb that's for sure.

"Calm down my king. Use your head not your weapons." Hazel's voice rang through my head. I wont lose her when I'm this close.

"You proposed a deal? I'm listening before I let my men's guns ring across yours once again." I wanted to get straight to the point immediately.

"Ah yes. You get your lives if you leave now. Don't and I will cut Hazel's throat right here right now." I looked at him and his disgusting son. How dare he threaten her life.

"And if we don't?" I wanted to see how far I could push him. How far I could turn the table and make him angry and irrational.

"Then after I pull out Hazel's throat I will kill every single one of you." He was mad, you could hear it as he spoke. Like a mouse trying to roar like a lion.

"Well-" I stopped as I seen Hazel behind him with three guys behind her. Our eyes met and she smiled at me as I tried to keep a straight face.

"What will it be then Ace? Live a broken man or die a man pussy-whipped?" He let out a laugh as his men followed him.

"He will live but he won't be broken."

Hazel's pov

"He will live but he won't be broken." I cocked the gun in my hand as I pressed the cold metal to his head. All his men quickly tried to grab me but my new recruits stopped them.

"Ah Hazel so your beauty won over my men huh? Do you think you can really win this? Kill me fine do it. But my son will come for your head. And if he doesn't then his children will. You won't die of old age I promise you that." As his threat rolled off his tongue it just made me stand taller.

"No Eric. Your son is dead *bam* as you will now follow him. I am the Queen of the Blue Roses. I am the Empress of all mafias. I. Run. This. And you, are no longer welcomed to rule your small kingdom. It is now mine. Let all of your men hear me say this! Set down your weapons and stand! If you do you will be recruited with open arms! You wont have to fear for yourself, your friends, or your family. Put your guns down and stand for the Blue Roses, if you don't then prepare to die for your stupidity." As I finished you heard many guns fall to the ground. Men and women stood tall as we all watched even Eric's bodyguards dropped their weapons.

"NO! YOU FOULS SHE WILL KILL YOU ALL! HOW DARE YOU BETRAY ME! I WILL KILL YOU ALL." He quickly turned and lunged at me. I was to slow as he fell on top of me his hands around my throat. I pulled and scratched as those who didn't stand started fighting again. My life flashed before me as I still tried to fight. I was just weak from being held and beaten. Suddenly he was lifted off me. I gasped for air grabbing my gun again.

I watched as everyone was fighting everyone. Bloodshed was everywhere and I hated it. I watched as Scorpion and Eric fought. As Ace punched a guy in the face. Titan pointing his gun and everything that moves. I lightly touched my stomach as my baby still grows in a safe place. I promised to keep you safe and I will make sure I do. I walked over Eric's son's dead body and pointed the gun at the back of his head as he sat on top of Scorpion.

"I've waited years to do this. To break you like you broke me so long ago. To let you feel what I felt for many years. You will fall here and now Scorpion." He reached behind his back as I watched.

I watched the hope leave my father's eyes. He looked around as everything seemed to move in slow motion. He locked eyes with Titan as he nodded to his son and then slowly turned to me. His bright green eyes held no fear. Held no sadness. All they held was care and love. He gave me a smile and I could no longer handle it. He was ready to die but I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready for any of this.


5 more chapters to go
Till next time troublemakers

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