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Ace's pov

I gave her a hug to see if that would help, to my surprise she gave me a hug back and pulled me closer. I placed my chin on top of her head and we just stayed there for a minute. She pulled away and I became a little sad from the lost of her warmth.

"Thanks Ace. You're more then what I thought you were." She turned and finished packing up her stuff.

"Am I know?" I gave a smirk.

"You are grey eyes, you definitely are. Angel, Blu let's go." I opened her door and walked out with her. She waved to the owner who was talking to the police. She headed to a black Dodge Challenger and threw her bag in the trunk. I opened the back door and let her dogs in.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow. Don't let this eat you up. The world is cruel and all we can do is try and correct what we see." I closed her door and watched her drive away. Once out of sight completely I walked over to the cop car the man was in.

"Ralph give him the choice." I told him as he questioned me while I turned towards him. He is a fine officer but a great member for the mafia as well.

"Um yes sir but why? He almost killed someone." He asked

"Because if he is willing I'm going to give him a chance out of this hell hole." He nodded as I jump on my bike nodding to the boys to start going.

We raced pass cars, zoomed down the roads. Fast as lightning is what we liked. To feel as fast as the wind with no regrets pushing the bikes further. We came to the gang house quickly. Jumping off after parking we headed in to speak with my father.

I knocked once before hearing a come in. My father was no man to mess with that I will not deny. He knows that I won't back down from him, that I won't submit to his force.

"Son, boys. How was your trip?" We all knew he didn't care even if he acted like it.

"It was fine sir, the tattoo artist has a mean style and gets the job done. Cj also paid his dues swiftly and hopes to do more business with us soon." Dane said. Once I come into command he has already been chosen as my second in command. The other guys are hard workers but don't like the paper work as they put it.

"Is this true Ace?" I crossed my arms matching him.

"If it was said by Dane then I guess it is." I said as Derrick looked at Dane signaling to leave.

"From these photos I have it seems as if you didn't have your attention on the matter. More on this young lady who did Dane's tattoo, am I right?" He knew his answer so why bother asking.

"If that is what you believe then so be it. Excuse me father, I must help Ma with dinner." I walked out not waiting for a response. I jumped on the bike and left, once home I stormed inside. I headed to my room and just laid there thinking of the beautiful girl I met. God she is something else.

Hazel's pov

I swear the last 2 days have gone like a blur. Wake up, go to school, talk with the crew and Ace's crew, go to work, come home, repeat that is all I feel. BUT now it's Friday. Ahhhh beautiful Friday, the first day of skating for the weekend. Probably my favorite day not gonna lie.

I paid no attention in class and once the final bell rang I was the first out the door. On Fridays we all meet up where we park and talk about who is riding with who. I threw my bag in the car and pet Angel, Jay used my car and brought him back. I pulled off my long sleeve. I didn't notice Ace and his crew were there till after I pulled my damn shirt off and was left in my low tank top. Come on Hazel pay more attention sometime.

"Welp who wants to ride in my Jeep?" Jay asked as Rose, Melody, and Christian decided they'd ride with him, Malx wanted to take his own car. Then they all looked at Ace's crew. They have became part of the group I won't deny that, they are also pretty lit.

"We can ride our bikes." Max said grabbing Ace's keys out his back pocket.

"Awww don't want to ride on my bike again Max? But we had so much fun this morning." Dane laughed wrapping his arm around Max.

"Get off you smell like the pig you are. My bike is in the shop so Ace I'm taking yours ride with someone." Malx already left which meant he was riding with me in the end. I hugged everyone goodbye before jumping in the passenger seat.

"Well come on you're driving." He smiled before getting in and pulling out the parking lot.

"Where to love?" He asked before looking to me. His eyes are still so captivating even after knowing him for a few days.

"My house, I gotta change and feed the dogs." He nodded before I put music on. I couldn't get comfortable so he pulled my feet on to his lap and rested his arms on them. I left them there as we pulled up to my house.

I ran upstairs and changed into jeans and a breathable shirt. Grabbed my skates and slide on my Nike slides, locked my door and ran back down to the car. Before I knew it we were at the rink.

"Lessgo." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the front. Hank nodded at me and we got in. Everyone was talking as Melody took Ace to get skates.

"You like him." I looked at Rose before rolling my eyes and getting up.

"Hazel Grey never likes anyone." I skated on to the floor for VIP skate. I raced to my skate partner James. He went to my adopted mom's horse training academy. He is a surprisingly a good rider for a big city boy.

The night continued as everyone skated together or separated. Just on and off the floor grabbing a drink here and there. A slow skating song came on and Ace took my hand and led me. He is so elegant and clam on skates it's very....attractive that's for sure.

After the song all you heard was the main door bang open and the cold air sweep in with it. We rushed over and I rolled my eyes so far back into my head.

Great nights always gotta get ruined.

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