|Chp3| First Day

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A loud beeping noise in my room wakes me up with a start, I groan and roll over to turn off the alarm and check the time.

'6am' my phone screen reads, that means I have excactly 1 hour to get ready for school.


I was currently in the bathroom and had just finished getting dressed after my shower and had a tooth brush in my mouth when a loud banging noise came from the door.

"STILES! Hurry up! We're gonna be late"

"JEEZ OKOK ILL BE THERE IN A SEC" I shout back at elena.

*Skip the boring part of getting in the car and getting there bags and blah blah blah but ya*

*Skip the boring part of getting in the car and getting there bags and blah blah blah but ya*

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^^^^What stiles is wearing btw.

We had just pulled up in the parking lot and I was trying my hardest to hold back a panic attack at the sight off all these people when a hand reaches out and touches my shoulder

"You alright" it was Elena.

I nodded and grabbed my bag before getting out of the jeep with the others and locking it.

Elena walks over to a group of people Only a few I recognise and Jeremy has wanderd off to- wait where has he gone? Anyways...
So I just decided to get get my schedule from the front office after I asked some kid with sandy blond hair for directions.


"Hey- uh my names Stiles Stilinski, I'm new here and-"

I was cut off by the receptionist rudely
"Here's your schedule, class starts in five minutes, All the class numbers are written on the doors so you'll be able to find your way around easily....Any questions?"


"Ok nope great have a nice day bye bye now"
She then proceeds to slide across the glass to the office completely blocking my view off her.

Jeez. This is gonna be a long day.


I Just had my first 4 classes and honestly it wasn't that bad I made a few friends who said they knew Elena, some guy named Tyler and another guy named Stefan who I'm guessing was the same Stefan Caroline and Bonnie told me was Elena's boyfriend.

And they seemed nice enough but they gave me a sort of vibe I don't know what yet tho. It was kinda the vibe I got back home when someone wasn't completely well you know- Normal, But I did get it from Caroline and Bonnie too maybe it's just a new person thing and I'm just reading too much into everything.

I really regret skipping my morning coffee now.

Anyway I had just walked into the cafeteria and had just finished paying for my lunch when I was having the dilemma on where to sit (god I hate this so much) I spot an empty table near the back and start to walk towards it when I heard my name being called.

I turn to look at the person who called my name and it was Elena and she was waving me over to sit with her friends, eh beats sitting alone so I go over and sit next to Bonnie.

After a few moments of silence i started up a conversation with Tyler about the latest Marvel Movie because it's the first thing I could think off and soon after that the rest of the table started to join in or have separate conversation with one another.

"Hey stiles we're all going To the grill later why don't you come as well?" Elena said to me once Tyler had finished his rant on why iron man is better then Spider-Man (wrong btw there both as amazing as each other every one knows that).

"Yeah why not, but is that all you guys have to do around here, go to the grill" I say with a laugh,

"Yeah pretty much" matt says laughing as well.

Huh maybe this won't be so bad after all.

Not such a bad thing ~fem!stilesWhere stories live. Discover now