"It's nothing! Promise!" Armin said quickly

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"It's nothing! Promise!" Armin said quickly."I'm impressed someone actually answered our distress signal." Reiner mused."Well, me and Latina bumped into each other, plus we weren't that far away. That and the horses." She smiled."A lot of people wouldn't have risked the trip over here. You're as noble as the steeds you two tame. We're all in your debt." Reiner said

"It was nothing!" Christa smiled kindly, Latina the says  "just glad you're all ok. What would we do without you guys."the three boy's faces turn pink as they stare at her with their mouths dropped.

' she's an angel...'

' a goddess...'

' one day, my wife..'

" I suppose we better all join the formation," Christa said."Yeah, they'll order a retreat any minute now. I'll just say it, I'm glad to be alive, but heading back after only an hour, that's not something to be proud of. And is anybody else curious? Why was she heading away from the command squad?"

"She?" Christa and Latina asks, Suddenly green flare were spotted from the left."Green smoke?!"

"Looks like we're not heading back after all," Armin said. "Just changing course."

"Yeah but, that doesn't make sense!" Christa called."What the hell? Is commander Erwin out of his mind?" Jean exclaimed" Everyone of us had the authority to call the mission failed, so whips is no one speaking up?! Is the command far ahead to see the signals?" Reiner asked "Possibly," Armin stated, as if I'd remained silent. "Either way I think our course is clear." Armin shot off a green signal.

" Well I better make my way back to the squad, you guys be careful" Latina said, armin nods" you too, just warn everyone about a female titan, it's not a regular titan, it's a titan shifter" " wait what?!" She shook her head then nodded, and took off

"Smock signals. Green. Oluo, pass it on." Levi orders as he nods, "with pleasure, sir!" Eren glances up at the sky and goes back to looking forward, thinking, 'things seem to be going pretty smoothly for the moment' Oluo raises the flare gun and shoots the green smoke in the sky, 'Still. I want to how it really is. My gut tells me the front lines already taken a serious hit'

"Reporting, sir!" The group looks over to see a soldier giving news to Levi, " and oral message! It appears the right wing spotters have been wiped out!" Erens eyes widened " The early warning network is compromised.one of you will need to relay the message down the line" Levi's eyes turn to Petra, "You heard the man, Petra. Go on." She nods, "sir!" With that, she parts away from the group.

'The right Wing?' Eren ponders before gasping' that's where armin's positioned! Still. He wasn't with outliers.And the others were more towards the centre.surely the Titans haven't made it that far in? And where's Latina? She should have been back by now?' he turn their heads to see black flares up on the sky, "Black smoke? Abnormal!" 

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