part 16-jimins mistake

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Eunjung was home on sept 1 she wanted to go to your place to celebrate jungkooks birthday but jimin wasn't home yet after a meeting she waited and waited but he never came home so she call Jungkook. Jungkook was driving back home to you until his phone ring he intach it to his car.
Jk: hello eunjung.
E: hey is the meeting over?
Jk: it's over already it ended about 2hrs ago why?
E: oh will jimins not home.
Jk: oh I saw him walk into a bar with a women near the clothing shop
E: what?! ok thanks.
She hang up she then grab her jacket and went. it was 9pm and then after a long walk she finally made it to the bar that Jungkook told her. She walk in and was looking for jimin she then saw him kissing the women that Jungkook saw she went to him he saw her. She slap him.
E: so this is why you didnt come home? You came here to cheat on me?
Jm: no babe-
E: don't babe me
She started to tear up and with a broken voice.
E: we been together for a year and this is what I get *sob* I loved you jimin...*sob* we went to jungkooks and yns wedding and I wish I was marry too *sob* YOUR  SUCH A ASSHOLE! I wanted to live a happy life with you but...*sob* but I was a beta was a mistake...*sob* take this back!
She threw him her relationship ring that he bought for the both of them, he looked at her.
E: let's break up.
He was gotta grab her but she had left the place jimin was mad so he left the place and couldn't find her.
Eunjungs pov: I shouldn't have date him if I knew he was a fuckboy..
She pull out her phone and call you. After you and jungkook did it you heard your phone ring you were so tired after doing it so you grab your phone.
You: hello.
E: yn are you home?
You: oh eunjung yeah I am what's up?
E: can I stay in yours and jungkooks place tonight *sob*
You: sure.
You both hang up you put on your rob. Jungkook was starting to wake up when he heard you got off the bed so late, you open the door and saw eunjung with tears.
You: eunjung what's wrong?
She didn't answer but hug you crying in your arms. You were confused and look at jungkook who was coming down with his robe on. You sat her down.
You: what happen eunjung?
You sat down next to her jungkook hand her a cup of water.
E: *sob* I waited for jimin for 2hrs and he never came home til I call Jungkook telling him is he saw him *sob*
Jk: I told her jimin walk with a women to a near by bar.
You look at jungkook then back at eunjung.
E: I went and then I saw him kissing the women *crying*
You&jk: WHAT?!
E: he cheated on me...and so I broke up with him...I dont want to go yn jimin will be there can I stay here for a few days?
You: eunjung you have school..
E: I'm not going home I'll take my classes online.
You nodded.
You: okay. You can stay here in the guest room.
E: thank you.
You brought her up to the room then you and jungkook went to your guys room.
Jk: you think she'll be okay?
You: *sigh* they dated for a year jungkook how can jimin do that to her!
Jk: ok clam down I'll talk to him tomorrow.
You: you better.
Jk: besides babe. Your waddling
He laughed. You threw him a pillow.
You: you kill me today when we did it my legs are so sore I can barely walk!
You continue to hit him with the pillow he laughed and stop you by grabbing your wrist and came on top of you.
Jk: your cute when your mad.
He kissed you.
Jk: round 2?
You widened your eyes.
You: yah! No eunjungs next door
You try to crawl away but he pull you back down pulling your wist down, which cost you to laughed.
Jk: just stay quite dont moan so loud then babe.
You giggle when he took off your robe and his and threw it off the bed, you had your bra on tho.
You: babe we can't you know I'm not good holding in my moans.
He open your legs because you had them close.
Jk: just cover your mouth.
You felt him put it in and you cover your mouth to suppress your loud moans. You guys were doing it. Eunjung was by the door listening and cry because shes jealous that your life with jungkook is better then hers she went to the room and sleep. Meanwhile jimin was home sad trying to call eunjung but she wouldn't pick up or answer his texts he was getting worry so he decide to sleep and well try again tomorrow.

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