Chapter 5: The dragon princess

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        There was a puff of smoke around the golden dragon, then, out of the smoke, came my father, in the same clothes he had left in, all those years ago, I started crying tears of joy, the other dragons had left, it was just me, and my father

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        There was a puff of smoke around the golden dragon, then, out of the smoke, came my father, in the same clothes he had left in, all those years ago, I started crying tears of joy, the other dragons had left, it was just me, and my father.

       "Were where you?" I asked in between sobs, "mom said you went to get willow, did you get her? Why didn't you come back?" I happy, but I was also angry, why did he leave? Why didn't he take us with him? "I had to come back, willow is here, she is with her eggs." My father replied. Eggs? What eggs? She's human! She Dosent lay eggs! "What eggs?" I ask. "She came back with me, and met an earth dragon." "That makes sense, but why didn't you come and get us?" I said, sadlly, "Mom got really worried, she always went outside to see if you'd come back, and she still dose, every single day!" I was angry, I wanted mom to know where I was, I wanted her to know I was okay, I wanted to be with her!

         "I sent someone to get them now," he says, calmly "please, let me teach you how to become a dragon." I was still mad, but I wanted to see willow, "where is willow?" I ask, ignoring his question completely. "She's in our medical center, why?" "I want to see her, then you can teach me how to transform."

       My father led me down some huge catacombs, and eventually, we found ourselves in a cave that had soft moss, and nests. I saw a dragon that had black and gold scales with bright green and blue eyes, the eyes of my willow.

      I walked to the dragon, it seemed excited, it wasn't on the eggs in a nest, so I knew what was going to happen, the eggs were hatching, and I was going to be an aunt. The eggs looked like black rocks with a scaly texture they were huge, and when the baby's hatched, they where about the size of a fully grown male Kodiak bear.

       The babies were cute though, there was 4 of them, they were all girls, the first to hatch had rocks growing out of its legs and had black scales with red flakes, like an ember, the next two to hatch had vines wrapped around their small horns, and the last one looked like it was made completely out of rock, with moss and vines all over it.

       Next thing I need to do is learn how to  "unlock my true wings" ,and I'll be able to leave the castle, and learn to fly.

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