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Sonic's P.O.V.

"Damn it!" Shadow snapped as he panted trying to walk but he would nearly fall but I kept catching him.

"Shadow, I think you should lay down. She hit your stomach really bad, and you are using your energy to heal yourself. You are too weak." I said but he glared at me and pushed my arm away from him making him rest back on a tree and hissed. "Shadow!" I shouted.

"What?!" He shouted back at me as he growled.

"You need to rest! We've gotten nowhere! I can see the tents from here!" I sighed and rubbed my face. "I can barely walk with a messed up ankle, I cant keep trying to catch you each time you try to walk!" I said annoyed and worried over Rouge.

"Rosy has Rouge. We have to go after her now or it will be too late." He growled furiously at me.

"She is not going to do anything to Rouge. Not until I am there. She took her as her bait to get me. She knows we are going to go for her. Rouge is fine, you need rest." I said and he growled but it started getting lower and lower until it turned into a groan and then a sighed then he nodded at me.

"Fine." He said after a while.

"There is nothing we can do now. You stayed up all night. Just try to get some sleep." I said. I was a bit annoyed if the way Shadow was with me. I was tired.

Shadow simply rolled his eyes as he kept trying to heal himself but he was just wasting his energy at doing so.

I sighed and helped him walk to the tents and he got in Rouges tent then zipped it up. He obviously hated me. And now we were stuck alone.

How are we supposed to find Rouge now...?

Shadow's P.O.V.

I was frustrated, so annoyed, so furious. I wanted to go get her. This wasn't supposed to happen. Rouge wasn't supposed to get captured.

Now she is alone and injured and with Rosy out of all people.

I just hope it isn't too late when we find her.

I knew I had to heal myself and rest and then I could heal Faker. I knew I couldn't and shouldn't go alone there. It would be easier if he were to still be our bait.

I fell asleep slowly, being exhausted from how much energy I was waisting.

I woke up the next morning when Faker called my name and told me to get out. I groaned but didn't fight about it. I slowly sat up still feeling a bit tired then walked out. He was eating a slice of an apple. Smart. We don't know for how long we were going to be out or what would happen. The less food we waste, the better.

He tossed me the apple and I cut a slice as well. I was already used to not eating much during missions but I wasn't sure how long that idiot would last. I went on and told him to eat more of it but he ignored it and put it on a ziplock bag then put it on the backpack.

I rolled my eyes at that and got closer to him.

"Let me see your ankle. I don't need you slowing me down." I said as cold as usual. He sighed and sat down in front of me as I knelt down and looked at his ankle.

I started healing it then pulled my hand away and stood up again. "Aren't you going to be tired after that?" He asked.

"No. Now shut up and let's go." I glared and grabbed the backpack he had not wanting to even hear him complain about it being heavy or anything.

I saw him get the fabric used for the tents and I looked at him annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing that for? Leave that there." I said annoyed but he chuckled and grabbed them either way. I rolled my eyes and kept walking clearly annoyed of him.

Chaos. Why was I the one that had to be stuck with this idiot?

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