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Sonic's P.O.V.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I had had a nightmare over Dark taking over me. I had gotten rid of him a long time ago but I still had those nightmares where he would suddenly be back and take over me without me being able to do anything about it and hurt everyone I love.

I panted lightly as I sat up. I glanced around and sighed then rubbed my face annoyed. I unzipped the entrance of my tent and walked out. I had left my bag outside the tent and I wanted to get water.

Making my way outside of the tent, I heard something making my ear twitch and stayed quiet. Thinking it was Shadow, I got out and went to grab my bag. Shadow was awake and glaring at me from on top of a tree. I raised a brow realizing he was in the opposite direction I had heard something from.

My ears perked up suddenly realizing that someone must be near. It was too late, by the time I turned to look in that direction, Rosy launched at me.

"Why aren't you dead?!" She shouted as she swung her hammer to try to hit me but I quickly jumped back and gasp.

"Guys!" I shouted and Rouge immediately got out of her tent. She grabbed me and flew up so Rosy couldnt reach me. I felt like a piñata.

Shadow immediately dashed to her but she swung her hammer like crazy and nearly hit him. I got worried and let go of Rouge as I landed behind Rosy taking her attention so Shadow would not get hit.

"Faker! What the hell are you doing?!" He shouted when he was about to get hit but Rosy immediately turned to go after me.

"Trying to save you, one hit from that and you die." I said, I knew how crazy Rosy was. I knew she was not going to hold back.

"Sonic! Be careful!" Rouge flew to help me when Rosy was about to hit me. I was trying to get away but Rosy grabbed my wrist. She heard Rouge and immediately grew furious.

Rosy hit Rouges wing and she fell immediately to the floor. Shadow immediately dashed to her and I tried to get away to go help Rouge but Rosy swung her hammer wrong and she hit Shadow in the stomach making him jump back and not be able to get to Rouge.

I fell and hurt my ankle making me groan and hiss in pain. Before we knew it, Rosy had hit Rouge in the head with a rock and taken her.

"Rouge!" We both shouted and tried to stand up. I tried to dash after them but I couldnt, I ended up falling. I tried to ignore the pain then I heard Shadow panting and groaning in pain.

I looked behind and walked to him as I limped since my ankle hurt. "Shadow, are you okay?" I asked concerned but he slapped my hand away when I tried to help him.

"We have to go after them. Get the supplies we have, leave everything else." He said coldly. I didn't fight him about it and I immediately went to do what he asked me to. I put all of the supplies we had in one backpack. Food, water, pocket knife, a fire starting kit, a blanket, a rope, flashlight, first aid kit, and some matches. I left the rest of the things, I left the tents, I left the clothes, I left their guns, I left the phones and other things that were not so important. I knew we could be without those guns since Shadow could use his powers.

"There. Can you walk?" I asked and he nodded.

"Can you?" I nodded.

We were both lying.

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