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Walking into class early in the morning, Kyle and Sigmund took a seat at their desk in Professor Flan's class and opened their textbooks. Sigmund quickly noticed that for some reason, the class looked a little emptier than usual. There were more than a few students missing from their assigned seats.

"Where is everyone?" Sigmund asked himself aloud. Professor Flan sighed toward the question.

"It's that time of the year.." He responded. "Students are getting sick left and right. Happens every year in the Autumn season and it's bound to happen with the way you all like to live under one another. I'm not sure what's going around this time, but it's gotta be something."

Kyle grimaced in disgust listening to the professor. Students getting sick again? Not on his watch! He pulled hand sanitizer from his bag and quickly rubbed it into his palms.

"This is why I stay away from you drip nosed, twits..." He scoffed under his breath, mainly in the direction of Sigmund who heard his comment clearly. He'd been rubbing his nose with the sleeve of his Milkweed uniform sweater.  "Such a lack of basic hygiene..."

"Who are you talking about?" Sigmund gasped. "I know you couldn't be speaking of me with the way you keep our bathroom!"

"What are you talking about?"

"All that red hair you love to leave in the shower drain! It's disgusting!"

"Oh yeah? Well what about your pretzel crumbs all over the floor? And I saw them on top of my desk too! Why were you even sitting there?"

"I was not!"

Professor Flan held his ears as the boys argued. Before he could scold them both, the argument was interrupted when the school healer walked into the room. Much like a nurse at a normal school, the school healer was a white magic witch that treated the aches, pains and wounds of every wizard and ghoul in the academy. Quickly, she made her way over to Professor Flan, who blushed fiercely towards the young, sweet faced witch.

"Oh, Healer Sage! How can I help you?"

"I'm here with a message for your class." The witch responded. "Is it alright if I speak with them for a moment?"

"Why yes! O-of course! Do whatever you must!"

Healer Sage stood at the front of the classroom, holding a poster up telepathically for the students to be able to read from. It was a prevention poster.

"Children, I'm here to let you all know that the chickenpox seem to be going around right now. More known to us as wizardpox." The witch spoke with concern. "As you all know, the first couple of days with the wizard's grade of chickenpox can be very contagious and I'm here to let you know what steps you should take if you come into contact with this illness for yourself."

A feeling of panic instantly spread through the room of remaining students. Wizardpox were embarrassing. No one wanted to wake up, turned into a literal chicken. It was no wonder students decided not to show up to class. Last year's virus that spread had been something more mild, the siccups. Every hiccup that escaped came with a wave of sudsy bubbles out of your mouth. It was pretty funny seeing how many people were trying their best to keep their own bubbles from floating in the air in the middle of class. But being a chicken? There was nothing funny about that.

"As long as you keep your spaces sanitized and stay away from others who are infected, you should be just fine!" Healer Sage spoke, giving the children a loving smile. "If you think you've caught the virus, please come to my office and I'll help treat you. Don't be embarrassed to see me if this happens, please. Treatment is the best form of prevention!"

Milkweed: Short Stories for Wizardsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें