Take 'Em To Court (Part I)

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Take 'Em To Court (Part I)

"You're kidding me!" Erin heaved over the phone. "Literal flan?! Like, a walking tower of Jell-O?"


"I can't believe that!"

"It's not his fault. You should've seen the way his father showed up to the academy and just grabbed at him so forcefully. Without shame, just dragged him in front of everyone. The entire school board."

"My goodness, that's absolutely terrible! This whole situation seems really unfair to me. Between his parents at home and the professor at school, Kyle sounds like he was getting bullied left and right."


"No, seriously Sigmund! He was clearly keeping a lot to himself for a long time. There's gotta be something we can do to help him."

"Something we can do?!" Sigmund questioned. "Erin, I already told you, the board voted and the vote was against me. I tried already."

"You didn't try hard enough! I would've fought back and made noise about it! I would've stood outside and protested!"

"Ah..." Sigmund sighed out in stress, rubbing at his temple with his free hand. "Please, it's our first week back. It's too soon to be making trouble."

"It's not trouble, it's justice! And I don't agree with you, but fine."


"I just don't agree! You're a member of the board, aren't you?! There's gotta be a loophole somewhere that says a student in strife should be assisted, not punished!"

"I don't know about loopholes. I don't know about anything! Listen, don't get yourself worked up about this, my darling. I'm begging you."

"Don't my darling me right now, okay? I'm really peeved hearing about this."

In his new, single room, Sigmund laid back in bed and stared up at the ceiling, holding his smartphone to his ear. This room felt empty in comparison to his old, shared room. It just wasn't the same anymore. The whole atmosphere of schooling at Milkweed felt worn and strained. The first day back had already been eventful enough to fill the gap of the entire term. Erin was headstrong and Sigmund knew she wasn't going to take what had happened in the morning without a fight. He wasn't sure he had it in him to fight with anyone anymore.

"I understand, okay?" Sigmund groaned. "I do. Don't you think I'm upset about this too? I completely agree with you, I-I'm peeved!"


"What's funny?!"

"You saying peeved...I just pfff—sorry, ignore me!"

Sigmund bit down on his bottom lip, but ended up laughing with her anyways. He was glad to laugh in such a stressful moment, but realizing he was alone in his room again bought him back to the situation fairly quickly.

"Look Erin, if you find some way to turn this around, I'll be behind you on it."

"You swear?"

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