The Annual Rune Relay

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The Annual Rune Relay

"Take one and pass it around!" The centaur athletics teacher, Sir Chiron, instructed. "By the end of today's exercises, I need nominations for this year's Rune Relay."

The students were eager to see what the categories would be this year. They changed year to year, but most expected to see the same couple of contests. After finally grabbing hold of a flyer himself, Sigmund handed the stack off to Kyle, who immediately declined one for himself and quickly gave it to the peer beside him. The sorcerer was excited to take part for the first time after hearing about what the relay entailed and the prizes you could potentially win.

"We're going to quickly run through some of the exercises together." Sir Chiron spoke when majority of the students had received a flyer for themselves. He stomped his hooves to gain the attention of the eager students.

"This year's relay will have competitions for alchemy, elemental kinesis, shape shifting, instant teleportation, summoning and of course, the aeroportation broom race."

In the gymnasium, Sir Chiron had set up different stations for the students to test their skills before the relay. After every attempt, the students would pick among themselves to nominate two students for every category to compete. Those nominated would be competing against neighboring academies, The University of the Underworld and The Halfmoon Hallows Witching Academy. It was the witching academy that most students of Milkweed were concerned about.

The girls of Halfmoon Hallows usually showed incredible accuracy, precision and lack of mercy towards other schools during events. They held the most trophies, were on record for their collection of medals and to date, had recently tied Milkweed in the coveted broom race. The race was the most anticipated event of the relay. While ghouls and reapers in the University of the Underworld didn't typically take it as seriously, the wizards and witches that faced off from Milkweed and Halfmoon Hallows most certainly did. Halfmoon Hallows had taken the win in the previous Rune Relay, and the students were ready to ensure that wouldn't happen again. There was a tie to break this year for the ultimate prize, The Sapphire Stone.

After reading through the events on the flyer, Sigmund turned to Kyle with a brightened smile.

"What are you choosing, Kahl?"

"Me?" Kyle retorted, a sarcastic snicker escaping him. He covered his mouth daintily and shook his head in protest. "As if, Sigmund!"

"What? You're not competing?"

"No! Why would I? These games are child's play! Foolishness and barbaric idiocrasy, honestly. I prefer to watch."

Sigmund's brows furrowed. He didn't want to compliment the conjurer, but it was the only way he could get his latest thought across.

"That's upsetting..." The sorcerer frowned.

"What exactly are you upset over?"

"It's just, I've seen you ride your broom between classes, like in the open air when we have to go from one tower to another...and it's, well, impressive sometimes..."

"Huh?!" Kyle choked.

Behind the boys, other peers slid into the conversation, all seeming to agree with Sigmund's statement.

"Ja!" Sigmund continued. "I've seen you leaning back on your broom before and you were going so fast with such ease! And another time, you were standing on the broom, but kept perfect balance the entire time like some sort of skateboarder!"

At this point, Kyle actually blushed.

"I-I's just not that difficult to me..." He responded sheepishly.

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