Part 1:Age 6

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Y/n P.o.v.

"Y/n!" I turn around to see my best friend, Katsuki Bakugou, running towards me. I wave at him. "Katsu!! You're here!" "Uh-huh! I brought my ball as you asked too." In his hands was his red ball. "That's great Katsu. Let's play!" We kick the ball until I kicked the ball too far and it landed by a pair of red shoes. I ran to get it when the little boy wearing those red shoes picked it up. He had messy, green hair and big green eyes. "Did you drop this?" He asked sweetly. "Yes. Thank you. Me and my friend Katsu were playing." I said turning around and pointing to Katsuki who was waiting for me. "Oh ok. My name is Izuku. Izuku Midoriya." "Y/n L/n," I answered shaking his hand. Katsuki stormed up to us as Izu and I had been taking longer than I thought. "Who the hell are you?!" "Katsu! This is Izuku. My new friend."

Bakugou P.o.v

"Katsu! This is Izuku. My new friend." When I heard Y/n say that, my heart shattered. New f-friend?? Y/n is replacing me?.... I scowled at him and stormed off. "Katsuki! Where are you going? Katsu!!" I felt bad about ignoring her, but she was trying to replace me by getting a new friend. I ran home and isolated myself in my room and cried myself to sleep.
In my dream Y/n and that boy became best friends and always hung out together. When I confronted her she looked at me as if I was a slug that was fat and slimy. "You're not my friend. Who gave you that idea? I don't like you, now leave me alone and crawl back under the rock you came from. You mean nothing to me! I hate you and always will!!" I woke up to Y/n shaking me gently. I shrank from her touch.

Y/n P.o.v.

Katsuki ran from me and Izuku. I wanted to go after him, but I wanted to explain to Izuku that I had to go to him and return his ball. Izuku said it was okay and we agreed to meet at his place in two days. It took longer than I thought to reach Katsu's house because around an hour passed and the sun was setting when I got there. Mitsuki let me in and I ran up to Katsuki's room, ball under my arm. He was tossing and turning in his sleep. I put the ball on the floor and sat on his bed and gently shook his shoulder. He woke with a jolt and shrank from my touch. I was hurt by this but then he hugged me and was crying. "Katsu...whats wrong?" He looked up at me. "I had a dream that you hated me and left me for that...Deku.." He growled the name as he looked away from me. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and turned his face to me. "Bakugou. I would never leave you. You are my best friend and nothing can change that." He smiled and held up his pinky. "Best friends forever, until we die." "Best friends." I smile as I join my pinky with his. 

Bakugou P.o.v.

I watched Y/n leave through my upstairs bedroom window. She bumped into Deku going the same way and they walked off together. I growled, you better stay away from her Deku...

Y/n P.o.v.

I said goodnight to Izuku and ran home as I was out past curfew. "You are lucky Y/n that you made it home in time." My big brother Yagi says as he ruffles my hair and closes the front door. "I am sorry, Yagi. Katsu thought I would stop being his friend and I had to comfort him." I partially lied. He chuckled and let me in. Yagi, me, and mom and dad sat down to a delicious dinner.

3rd person P.o.v.

Over the next two months, Y/n and Bakugou spent every moment they could together (yet Izuku and Y/n did hang out quite often too). They were closer than ever until one fateful day.

One night while everyone was asleep, two villains broke in and killed Yagi and Y/n's parents, but kidnapped Y/n as she was presumed to be as powerful or more powerful than All Might when she grew up.

That morning police officers and some pros arrived at the destroyed L/n residence. They knew Katsuki and Y/n were close due to having to solve a school break in once, so the first people to know of their death and Y/n's kidnapping were the Bakugou's.

Bakugou P.o.v.

I cried that night after the police and some pros came by to tell us what had happened. Y/n...where did you go? My precious flower...

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