10 |"Just shut up Richie!"

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"Beverly!" Scarlet screamed and ran to her side. 

"Beverly! Oh my god, are you okay!?"
Scarlet looked all around Bev. Her head, shoulders, knees, toes were all bloody red, and it reminded her of Carrie.

Beverly suddenly grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close.
"D-do you see it?" She stuttered like a maniac her eyes darting around the place. "What the hells going on?" Beverly's dad opened the door and walked right up to Beverly. "T-the blood- i-it came out-"

"What blood?" Scarlet felt her heart stop. "Don't you see?" She hisses. Beverlys dad bended down next to her side and cuped her face with his hand. "What's wrong with you? You still my little girl Bevy?" He asked, staring into her eyes. She blinked a few times before answering. "I- yes daddy." She said reluctantly. His mouth twitched into a smile. He stood  up narrowing his eyes at Scarlet before walking out of the room and shuting the door behind him.

Scarlet quickly engulfed Beverly into her arms, letting Bev sob into her shoulder. She didn't know what to do. As the movie played on more and more she would become attached to these characters more. What she definitely had no clue to was why IT suddenly took an interest in her. What did he want? She kept on asking herself.

That morning Scarlet suggested sleeping in the bloody bed because when a scene has happend no matter how drastic, it would usually reset how it's supposed to be as the next scene clicks.

She told Beverly "Don't worry, in the future this will all clear away! I think..." But Beverly didnt fully believe her, she can see it in her eyes. Beverly decided to sleep in the bathroom instead.

However, as the next scene came Scarlet was in the wrong. When she woke up, her first thought was sleeping inside a nice dry cushy bed, but the room was still bloody room and bed, and instead the bathroom was as clean as ever. Scarlet eyes went wide. How could she be wrong?  Through she was thankful that none of the blood affected her or that Beverly noticed when she saw her in the bathroom.

As the day went on, Scarlet and Beverly decided to call in the boys to show them what happened, as something that Beverly did notice was her dad not noticing the bloody room.

"So you're saying that was the clowns doing?" Beverly asked taking out a lighter from her pocket. "Yeah. That was IT..." Scarlet replied quietly. "W-what happens to us, scar? Does this clown have anything to do with us?" Scarlet avoided her gaze and stared up at the clouds instead. After a while of thinking Scarlet finally said "I don't know" and it was true. She really didn't know what happens next.

After this part Scarlet stopped paying attention to Chloe's rant of the movie. Only bits and pieces come through. There's a fight between the kids and the clown. There's mike. There's another fight?...or was it three?

Scarlet wasn't sure, losing herself in her thoughts. What would happen next? Would the losers be okay? Suddenly Beverly shot up, causing Scalets to shoot up after.

They quickly ran down the stairs, the boys stopping in front of the building. "I need to show you guys something" Beverly eagerly said. "What is it?" Ben said dropping his bike down along with the others.

"More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie says earning a glare from Scarlet. "Shut up, just shut up Richie!" Eddie quicky shouts at him and turning to look at the girls.

"Um.." Scarlet begins to start but, instead Beverley took the lead. "My Dad would kill me if he found out I...had boys in the apartment," she said nervously, looking between the boys.

"Wuh-we'll leave a luh-lookout. Richie st-stay here." Bill says then rushes to Beverly's side. "I'll stay too," Scarlet pipes up. "I just need to figure out some stuff," Scarlet glance up to Beverly, unaware of Richie's soft gaze. She nods and leads everyone up the stairs.

"What if her dad comes back!?" Richie shouts. Stan, at the end of the staircase, turns around and says, "Do what you always do! Start talking." He quickly turns around and catches up with the other losers. 

"It's a gift!" Richie yells back to him and signs. He immediately perks right back up watching Scarlet come to his direction, but she stops halfway and swings her backpack off her shoulders letting it fall on the grass.

She lays down next to it, arms and legs spread out across the floor like a starfish. Confusion wipes away Richie's  excitement.

"Hey Bunny ears, what are you doing?" He calls out, steping off his bike and walked towards her. He stood behind her head, smirking, and leaned over enough just to meet her upsidown face with his. "Come on doll, what's wrong?" Still, no response.

She looked away from him, turning on her side. Using her hands as a pillow and her feet scrunched together. His eyebrows came together and he reached for her bag. 

Ignoring the clothes, the band-aids, and everything else he takes out an old polaroid camera from her backpack. "Shit..." he says fiddling with the camera to turn it on. He finally figures it out and moves Scarlet's bag to the side. 

He sat right next to her, scooted down, and layed next to her with the camera in hand. He shifts on his side facing Scarlet and puts the camera up to his glasses. "Scar, say cheese!" He says and clicked button causing the camera to flash. 

Vibrating noise comes from the camera as a small square photo emerges from the bottom showing a close-up shot of Scarlet. 

He takes the photo and waves it around. He started blabbering about how hot she is or something, Scarlet didn't pay much attention.

"Richie," she says with a sigh. "Yeah Doll?" His head slightly tilts to the side. "Say you traveled back in time, and you were planning on going back..." Scarlet sat up in front of him and figted with the grass. "Go back? What you talking about?"

"Just a hypothetical question! What if you had to go back to your time, but you've grown too attached to the past? Would you stay? Just for the people you found?" Her voice faded to nothing and she peaked up at him. Richie pushed his glasses up and sat up in front of her. "Uh, I dont understand why your asking me but if I really liked it over there then sure why not?" He shrugged. "If the people over there are a lot better than whatever the fuck is going on in the present then I would stay."

Scarlet nodded along thinking about his answer. "Anyway thanks for answering my question." Scarlet said reaching out gesturing to the photo in his hand. "Yeah, whatever helps I guess..." Richie said handing the photo over. "Pretty great right? Some of my best work," he bounced right back into his cocky self. "I would say its quite something, but you could've gotten any other picture of me, I look so upset!" Scarlet smiled, and looked through her backpack. She took out a marker and began to uncap it. "H-Hey! What- don't draw on it!" Richie shouted, swiftly grabbing the picture put of her hand. He moved back and held the picture to his chest.

"Let me fix it Richie!" Scarlet said crawling to him. The boy shook his head, "Not a damn chance! This is mine Bunny Boo and I ain't letting you fuck with it."

"At least let me put the date on it huh? I promise I wont give myself a mustache, or maybe a top hat? Ya know I'm considering just goving myself some wings and fangs" Scarlet smirked and wiggled her marker in front of him. "You wouldn't!" He dramatically gasped. "Oh fine! I'll just put the date on there." She said waiting for him to say something. "You promise?"
"I do, I swear I wont ruin "my beautiful upset face"."
"Fine..." Richie pouted and cautiously handed her the photo.

It took her a couple seconds, but she handed it right back all clean with the date set to the side. "You happy?" She asked, "Most definitely!" He replied with a cheeky smile.

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