7 |"What's so funny, Tozier?"

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As expected, yesterday night was another big blur.

Scarlet hazily woke up earlier before the sun rose, tossing and turning throughout the night.

Finally, she gave up on getting comfortable and soon sat herself up causing Beverly to turn over to the other side, facing away from her.
She ruffled her hair and rubbed her hands around her face as her eyes leaned to the dark corner across from her.

She didn't mean to look in that direction, her eyes were just curious enough to see. That photo, she wondered, why a photo? But Scarlet stopped herself from wondering any further and she pulled the blankets up to her chin falling back down into the bed.

She started up into the ceiling her head felt like it was slowly fading away, but her eyes refused to close. Scarlet lifted up her wrist to her face faintly reading 7:30 pm on her watch. 3 hours, she thought. She's only been in the movie for 3 hours.

That meant she would have to face her Parents in 6 hours. She could leave. She could leave all this behind. She could leave her feelings for Richie behind... Yet, something in her told her to stay. She drifted away but this time it was her eyes that were fading and her brain focused on a certain someone.

"Scarlet!" Beverly whispered shaking Scarlet's shoulder. "Scarlet!" she whispered again and again shook her arm roughly. "Hello?" Scarlet groaned turning her body on her stomach.

"Scarlet! Come on!" Beverly yelled louder grabbing Scarlet's shoulder flipping her over. "Come on! My Dad's still asleep, if we go now we won't get caught," she said and Scarlet's eyes shot open. "What do you mean? where are we going?" Her voice was scratchy and her mouth tasted bitter. "To the quarry to meet everyone," Beverly said handing Scarlet her backpack waking her up.

Scarlet ripped the sheets away and opened her bag for some clothes. She put on a simple plaid T-shirt tucked in some shorts and grabbed her shoes.
"Here!" Said Beverly as she tossed Scarlet a hairbrush and grabbed her shoes. "Meet me outside." She states. "Okay," Scarlet replies but Beverly's already out of the room.

She shoved on her converse gently tieing the laces and quietly passed the bedroom out of the apartment and went back down the stairs to where Beverly was waiting.
"So I'm guessing you don't have a bike?" Beverly said as she hopped on her bike and pointed behind her at two large screws coming out of the bike.

"I'm sorry, you have to stand," said Beverly. Scarlet never stood on a bike before and was hesitant to go on, but she walked over putting on foot on the screw then the next, and placed her hands on Beverly's shoulders lifting her up.

"Have you ever done this before?" She asked Beverly.
"Not at all. Just as new as you are" Beverly sounded worried. She scooted the bike forward a little making Scarlet body sway.

"I'm going to die"

Bev laughed and made sure that Scarlet was balanced and then she kicked off.
They were riding down the street Scarlets body untended as the ride begane getting smoother.
"See? Not that bad!" Beverly yelled into the road. Scarlet looked up and smiled at the sky feeling the breeze rush into her face and past her braids.

"Yeah," She said gleefully. Scarlet felt better than okay as she stood on the bike feeling it sway and move. "Beverly you should try this next!" Scarlet "It sounds like fun!" Beverly said turning her head around to look at Scarlet and trying to focus on the road.

They approached the quarry hearing the boys as they arguing.
The girls quickly got off the bike and ran into the woods. They stop near some trees behind the boys who were all lined up on the edge of the cliff.

☆JUMP! | .richie tozierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora