it's been a while

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"Babe, I'm gonna meet some of the girls I know. You go ahead and catch up with your friends, alright?" Irene said as she slid her arm off Jungkook's, as he nodded with a small smile and she walked away, heading towards a table filled with girls from his high school who surprisingly knew Irene personally.

Being the heir of the country's biggest company, having a fiancé who was also one of the most famous models in Korea, life wasn't all that pleasant for Jeon Jungkook.

Sure, he had everything he'd ever wanted, but sometimes when he actually thought about it, he had absolutely nothing he needed. Having something you want can't always be something you need, and having something you need can't always be something you want. There was a difference.

He smiled at a few familiar faces, greeting them and occasionally initiating small talk between themselves as he moved on forward, searching for Seokjin. It had been almost five years since he saw his friends, despite the fact they all lived in the same city.

Jeon Jungkook wasn't like anyone normal now. He was the heir of the biggest company in Korea, and there was a certain reputation he had to keep, at least not voluntarily. He had to limit his time for going to normal high school parties like these, but this time, he really wanted to just go out there, and live his life like how he used to, a few years ago.

There were so many people he wanted to meet and catch up with. There were so many things he wanted to talk about and so many things he wanted to do again. He wanted to dance again, play beer pong again, perform a nice karaoke, dance with that one specific person, who he truly did miss a lot, but it was unfortunately over.

He gazed around, still trying to search for people he knew well enough to go and catch up with. That's when his eyes fell towards the huge group surrounding a rectangular table, playing beer pong.

He could easily guess, Seokjin had to be there. Considering the fact it was his favourite game, he knew his best friend had to be there. As he walked closer, he heard someone yelling, and by know he was sure that Seokjin was there.

"JIN HYUNG!" He yelled, going towards the broad shouldered man as he hugged him from behind, slightly being dramatic as he groaned about how much he missed him. Jin turned around as he hugged him, immediately greeting him.

"Jungkook-ah, it's been so long. How are you? I saw the news, you're engaged and everything." Jin said, patting his shoulders. Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, things just turned out that way." He replied, pursing his lips.

"I still can't believe you're getting married to your long term girlfriend." Jin said, a proud smile on his face. "Yeah, I thought he'd leave her like how he left Y/n." A voice came from behind Jungkook as he turned around, a little abashed.

There stood Jimin, holding a red cup, filled with some quality beer as his facial expression was not something very obliging. Jungkook parted his lips, a little shocked to see someone he wasn't ready to meet. At least, not yet.

"Yah Jimin, leave it, don't get it started here." Jin said, coming in between the two as he surely didn't want anything going out of hand. Jungkook softly flouted, tilting his head as he scanned at Jimin's fierce eyes. "Jimin, it's been a while." He said, sounding presumptuous.

Jimin rolled his eyes as he walked closer, ignoring Seokjin who still stood in between, trying his best to block the two.

"Look here, you little shit. Stay in your fucking lane or I'll show you, your place." Jimin said, now dropping the cup he was holding as he grabbed Jungkook's collar, intently piercing his eyes into Jungkook's.

Jungkook was about to say something just before Seokjin harshly pulled Jimin off of Jungkook, making sure no one was looking their way. He obviously didn't want a scene to be pulled up in his own party and more specifically, his own restaurant.

"Guys, you've literally met after five years. Do we really need to do this? Stop fighting and just enjoy yourselves at the party. Both of you go your separate ways, I'm pretty sure you can do a lot of things around here." Seokjin said, holding both of them as they glared at each other.

Jungkook groaned as he yanked Seokjin's hand off his shoulder and walked past Jimin, harshly slamming his shoulder on the way.

"What a jerk." He mumbled, continuing his way around the party. He was looking around and suddenly stopped when he saw a figure sitting alone by the bar counter. He could see the side profile and easily guess who it was. He walked closer, sighing in relief when he realised it was you.

"Still not into parties, Huh?" a voice came from behind you, slightly diverting your attention from your phone. You looked over your shoulder, completely turning your head around as you saw someone, someone you weren't really looking forward to meet.

"Oh hey...uh... Yeah." You stuttered, as he walked closer towards you, now sitting right next to you by the huge bar counter. "You haven't changed. You're still allergic to parties." He said, a soft giggle escaping his lips as he gazed at you.

Now that Jungkook looked at you, he realised how much you had actually changed. Your face was almost the same but your hair was longer than before, your skin was glowing, you had lost a lot of weight, your sense of style had changed and so much more was way different from high school. But in conclusion, you were still beautiful.

You simply smiled as you awkwardly nodded at his comment. "It's... It's been a while, Y/n..." he softly said, continuing to look at you. " sure has been...a while." You said, pursing your lips as you tugged your hair behind your ear.

"How are you? What are you doing these days? How's life?" Jungkook asked, placing his hand on the counter, slightly leaning towards it. "Well...I'm doing great. And... Ummm I have my own... My own book café. It's going on pretty well, so I can say, life is pretty great." you answered, a content smile of satisfaction embracing your lips.

"wow, a book café? I'm so happy to know you're doing something you've always wanted to do." Jungkook said, his lips curling up as he nodded. He recalled how obsessive you were towards books and novels, always wishing about how you had to set up a place where you could read and eat, at the same time, but somewhere much quieter and calmer.

You nodded, smiling brightly as you thought about how perfect your life was. At least, perfect according to your dictionary.

"Y/n, I...uh...I...I just wanted to say I was sorry." Jungkook said, out of no where as he looked at you, quite grim and earnest. You gulped as you heard him say that. " Jungkook, I mean... You don't have to apologize. I....I understood when... When you said that you fell in love with someone else. I look happy now, you don't have to apologize." You said, feeling somewhat cramped as you let a train of memories speed through your mind.

They were something you never wished to see or remember again, because every time they showed up, it only hurt you. It caused you pain, unforgettable pain. It wasn't something you'd want to record in the history of your life, of course. You hated thinking about, you hated every single bit of it.

Jungkook awkwardly nodded as he heard you out, noticing how shallow your face was. "I'm... I'm sorry." Jungkook said again. He looked at you, remembering all the times he was so in love with you. He missed you, more than anything else in this world.

"No... Don't apologize. Anyways, you're engaged. I must say, Irene is really pretty. I've seen a lot of magazines with her photos in them. I can see why you fell for her." You said, quickly masking your face with a soft, sweet smile. Jungkook let out an airy chuckle, softly nodding. He couldn't really find a proper reply for that. He wondered why.

Suddenly, your phone started ringing and you looked at the caller ID and stood up. "Shoot, I'm so sorry, but I gotta take this." You said, excusing yourself from Jungkook as you walked away, accepting the call as you headed towards a much quieter place.

Jungkook watched as you walked away, still admiring how sophisticated you were. He missed seeing you everyday like how he did in high school. He was thankful, that even if he didn't have anything that great right now, he at least had an amazing high school romance.

Jungkook sighed, standing up as he headed towards the washroom. Minutes later he came outside, standing across the hand sink as he glanced at his reflection. He slightly bent as he turned the tap on, rinsing his hands. Suddenly, he heard footsteps, indicating that someone had entered the men's washroom and that's when he saw Jimin walk in.

Jimin stopped as he looked at Jungkook. "Wow, looks like we're finally somewhere where I can teach you a lesson." He said, his voice rough as he walked closer. "Jimin, fighting with you would literally be the last thing I'd want, okay? Besides, why the fuck are you acting like this? We were best friends, Jimin." Jungkook interpreted as he looked at Jimin.

"It's been five years, can't you forgive me?" he quickly added as he looked at the older one.

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