"OK next is Anesthesia Bette-then-you." Said Mr dash.

Anesthesia did the course as smoothly as Felisha did and she was in trouble on the sword fighting and equestrian archery. She finished the course in 54 minutes and 20 seconds.

"Next is... Sarah Zander." Said Mr. Dash

Sarah walked up and started the logs. An arrow came in the direction of her forehead. She dodged it as smoothly as if there were no arrows that were trying to pierce her.

She finished the equestrian archery and climbed the mountain as quickly as possible for her.

Then she took out her Crystril, turned it into a sword and waited. The 4 masked men in all 4 directions again but this time they had reinforced swords.

1 masked man in front of Sarah, swept his sword towards her chest. And another masked man behind Sarah sneak attacked her.

Sarah smiled sweetly and kicked the man in front of her while suddenly stabbing the man behind her. The 2 wailed in pain and tried to get up but couldn't. She didn't even care about them. Her face looked like the devil while killing people.

The other 2 hid behind her and thought she won't find them. Sarah smiled and said," you guys really think I won't find you? Well you are wrong."

Then she flew behind them at a speed that is really fast. Before they knew what was happening, they both got stabbed on their stomach!

She made her Crystril disappear and jumped into the lake. Her speed was really fast but not as fast as Lily's.

She made it back to the start and Mr. Dash stopped the time watch. "43 minutes and  00 seconds! You and Lily have 1 minute difference! Good! Now, go back to your place." Demanded Mr. Dash.

'Its no wonder he is not saying anymore complements. Its really hard to bring out a complement from him. Sarah and me got a lot of complements from him so I am proud of myself...' Thought Lily.

"Next is Evan Days." Said Mr. Dash.

This student's roll is 5 and roll 6 named Frost Days  is his brother.
Felisha and Anesthesia are rolled as 7 and 8 accordingly.

Unfortunately, Frost Days was a very sick person from his childhood. So, he only came to attend classes a few times. That's why Frost Days is not attending the competition.

On the other hand, Evan Days is a very popular singer in a rock band named 'Frosticles Rock' which he named after his brother.

Evan Days has fare skin, minty hair, navy blue eyes and...strange rock clothing! But Frost Days is a gentleman that has everything identical to Evan except for his clothing senses.

Evan finished the course smoothly and a little clumsily in 44 minutes.

"OK, next is Denis Daily." Said Mr. Dash

Denis walked up and started the course. He dodged every arrow with style as if it was nothing. He finished the logs super fast and flew onto his horse.

He did the equestrian archery but it took him longer than the logs. He climbed the mountain up and then down the other side.

Denis turned his icy Crystril into a sword. He looked around him to see if there is anyone. The masked men arrived from the sky and started fighting.

Denis flipped his sword playfully as if he did not care and then, pierced it through 2 men in few seconds. Then he didn't even look at where the other 2 were and he threw his sword towards one man that was back of him.

Denis looked around him to see where the last masked man was. Denis smirked and sensed his surrounding for any movements.

Suddenly, Denis threw his sword behind him and it hit a tree. Then, the masked man appeared from who knows where. He turned invisible!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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