Chapter Nine

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"You're so fucking predictable, prick Billy," the stalker ridicules.

"(y/n) doesn't even want to be with you," Billy points out while grabbing his chainsaw.

"Oh? Then why did (y/n) rush into my arms?" he yells.

"If you take that troublemaker back to your place, Trapper will have you castrated." The masked killer ignores the farmer and starts dragging me into the woods. He pushes my face down and sits on me in order to pull out a rope.

"I stole this from Evan." He rapidly winds the familiar cords around my wrists and ankles. "They worked pretty well last time," sneers the Ghostface enthusiastically.

"So you think that will win you a lot of points, Ghostie?" Billy appears next to us. The shrouded killer stands over me and focuses on his rival.

"Not necessarily, but if you don't get out of here, I will burn your fields." I can't see those two very well, but they're not saying anything for once.

"Whatever Jed, I'm not dumb enough to wait around for Evan to show his ugly face," huffs the disappointed killer walking off. The successful stalker unbinds me now that he doesn't have to worry about interference, and I finally don't have to eat dirt.

"Why are you doing this, Jed? Is this a stupid game to you?" I demand as he takes me with him.

"Don't question what we have, pumpkin," he pants and lifts the sweaty mask off. "It's not just a game, but that doesn't mean you're not fun." He flashes a wicked grin and pinches my side.

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