Chapter 9- Creati

Start from the beginning

"Ah! I'm on duty Sakura!!" You shouted since no one should know the Anbus identity but she was already gone. You groaned and looked at all the prisoners around you. "Uh, it's time to go!" You exclaimed and they all sighed in either frustration or boredom as they all followed you, Luna as well.

We continue:

3rd POV

As you and Luna just finish with putting the prisoners back into there cells, you both were in the Anbu locker rooms taking off your uniforms. Well more like Luna was and you were just waiting for her outside, still in your Anbu uniform as you came here with it instead of casual clothes. I mean like, it would be suspicious with a normal ninja with an Anbu.

But anyways, after a bit of waiting, Luna finally came out with her normal ninja clothing. Not much and definitely not bad, infact it was to be expected what she wears as the Chambers family do have a color code and there symbol. A bit like the clan that was massacre years ago. The Uchiha clan.

"This sucks, why do we have to do this?" Luna said distraughtly as she walked in front of you.

"Because the hokage told us Luna" you simply replied back. Luna groaned and looked at you in a 'Really?' look. You simply shrugged with a small giggle since you and Luna were used to each other's antics.
"Wanna get ice cream?" You asked as you looked at her through the mask since you couldn't just take it off in public.

"Yeah but let's try an fix that" Luna replied as she pointed a finger at your clothing to which you nodded.

"Yeah but I don't know how, I don't have any spare clothes and I don't think anyone else would let me use there's" you said sadly as Luna nodded.

"True but that Creati prisoner said that she has this jutsu where she can create any kind of thing so let's just ask her!" Luna chirped happily as you thought for a minute.

"I don't know Luna, what happens if the prisoners jutsu makes the person do what she wants if they where what she gives!? What do we do then!?" You exclaimed already having different scenarios playing in your head.

"Calm down, and it'll be fine. If that happens we take those shitty clothes off and force her to stop or we threaten to kill her! Problem solved Y/N!" She said happily. Sometimes you worry about this blue haired freind of yours. One second she's her temperament self the next she's a physco path that you have to be on gaurd with at times. But you trust her anyways.

"Alright the, let's go and ask if she can lend me some clothing" you finally agreed to. You both walked to the prison cells after going through security. You kept going up the floors until you made it to the floor that he prisoner was supposed to be in. Second floor of building A. You went up to them as Luna stayed down in the corner where no one would be able to see her.

You end up to the prisoner and almost blush at how beautiful she was. If you weren't thankful for the mask before you are now because of the blush that just formed on your osfr cheeks! I mean you weren't into woman atleast that's what you know but you had to admit she was extremely attractive. Her long black hair in a ponytail was beautiful that most woman here in Konoha would be jealous. Her perfect light skin was to die for, looking so soft and elegant in the small light the small bar window let seep into her cell. Lastly, her body was what surprised you the most. Now, you personally and from other saying (aka most of the guys like Naruto and Lee and others) you were beautiful yourself and had a nice figure as well with your (cup size I'm sorry but if you guy skip like the rest of the female stuff I might have or will say) and your nice a(something hmm sorry I don't know how to compliment with out sounding like a perv!!!) most people really think your attractive. However, the prisoner in front of you had way better figure than you, atleast that's what your telling yourself at this very moment. She had a huge bust in both places and more! She look like she can beat lady Tsunades bust!!! You stated for a bit longer before coming back to earth and slightly coughing to get her attention to which you got immediately.

"Yes?" Holy hokage! Her voice is also beautiful!

"U-uh Creati right?" She nodded and you stepped forward, closer to the bars. "I was hoping if you can make me some spare of clothes?" She looked shocked yet hesitant before nodding slightly. You were expecting to see her preform some type of hand gestures but instead you saw a glow at her chest. You flinched and backed away before seeing that clothing were appearing out of her body. You stated at amazement as she finished and handed them to you through the bars. "Thank you!" You replied and she giggled before nodding.

"You're welcome!"

After that you left out of the hall and got to Luna as you finally took off the mask. Luna looked at your arms and saw the clothes as she raised a brow.

"What kind of clothing is that?" She mumbled and you finally looked down at it and raises a brow yourself. It looked like a (dark color) jacket along with a black shirt and some grey pants. You sighed.

"I should've probably specified what I wanted, a kimono would've been better" Luna nodded at your words as you both made your way back to the locker rooms.

Published May 5,2020

Quarantine question: (might do this until quarantine here in CA/NV/UT USA is over and will probably only do it for this book)

Who went crazy out of you and your siblings/relatives/freinds first??? Comment or dm me!!

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