Case 3: Illegal M/Sister's justice

Start from the beginning

Adam: "Alright I'm gonna say this first off-" Then Ace covered his mouth

Ace: "Sorry but you talking is like 'good cop bad cop' scenarios and trust me you're more of the bad cop of all conversations. But in all seriousness can, I ask you something, Maya?"

Maya: "Sure what is it?"

Ace: "Could you explain what you're wearing?"

Maya: "Well you see I'm a spirit medium in training."

Ace: "A spirit medium? So is this a religious thing?"

Maya: "Correct I guess. Mostly the women of the Fey clan practice it."

Ace: "And that means your sister...?"

Maya: "Yeah but she left to follow her career as a defense attorney."

Ace: "Interesting..." He then raise his hands to where it looked as if he was blessed by god or something and started reading Spirit Mediums

Adam: "MMMM!!!" He was free to speak "Finally! So do you have anyone to defend you because..." He still looks at Ace and then back to Maya 

Maya: "Well I do if I'm ever in trouble I should call this lawyer. Do you think you can do me a favor and try and ask him to represent me?"

Phoenix: "I think I could try."

Ace: "Adam go with Phoenix because hey...maybe go back to the office for evidence?"

Adam: "You had me at evidence and office." Then the two left though they came back "Actually can you give us the address of the lawyer Maya?" She nod and gave them the address and left

Maya: She looks at Ace "So what are you doing?"

Ace: "Researching Spirit Medium."

Maya: "Wait how can you...?"

Ace: "I have a special type of skills, skills that no men or women have the skill to see the world as a library which I briefly call the Gaia Library."

Maya: "Wait how does it work?"

Ace: "Well for me to use it I must concentrate and need keywords and then I can easily find things about anything."

Maya: "Really?"

Ace: "Yep." He then raise his arms to his shoulders and concentrate as his mind was in the white zone with thousands if not millions of bookshelves of books "And now I'm gonna do some random research without needing the internet. Give me some words about someone."

Maya: "Alright...umm Japanese, defense attorney, Fey."

Ace: "Alright..." After receiving those keywords he was seeing multiple bookshelves moving fast and resulting in having one book with the cover named 'Mia Fey' "Wait you were mentioning your sister?"

Maya: "Yep."

Ace: "Well I'll be a monkey's uncle." He started reading for a few seconds and stop as his mind was back on Earth "Well then hope you do well."

Maya: "Yeah." Then he left the Detention Center's Visitor Room 

10:05 AM

Fey & Co. Law Office

The two arrived back at the office where the scene of the crime has taken place

Adam: "Geez that's a lot of cops just for a murder that takes only place in this room?"

Gumshoe: "Hey you two what're you doing here?"

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