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Here we go


I heard footsteps and looked to up to see cole walking towards the kitchen counter. I placed a cup of coffee infront of him. Before taking a sip of my own.

"How come we've never met" I asked looking up at him.
He held the cup in his hand a took a sip before answering my question
"I travel often, I met your mother twice when she was visiting New York with Kenneth" he said
His eyes went over me once before settling on my face. Cole seemed to radiate an aura of confidence that made me nervous around him. His piercing gaze had me looking away.

I looked down at my coffee cup. And decided to get to know the good looking man a little. They say, familiarity breeds contempt. Once I'd gotten to know him perhaps then he won't be as attractive I concluded

"How old are you?" I asked looking up at him
Cole seemed surprised with the question
"25" he stated.
He looked older than me. But that didn't seem to make him any less attractive. He could easily pass off as a 24 year old
"And you?"
"18" I lied. Well I was 17 and half technically. That's almost 18.
"What do you do?" I enquired
He seemed to stare at me for a second debating, before slowly answering
"I'm a life skills coach ..of sorts" he added with a small smile
"That and I also invest and trade stocks in ny part time, you know, the same family business that kenneth does"
That made sense. Kenneth was a lawyer. But I remember him telling me about all their imports and exports etc.
"What about you?" He asked
"I finish highschool this year" I replied.

He looked amused. We were both done with coffee

I couldn't tell at all if cole was feeling attracted to me the same way I was. I'd hoped he was. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't generally the reaction I'd gotten from most men. Yet Coles expressions were difficult to decipher. Then again he was older and perhaps had no interest in highschoolers who walked around with messy tangled hair, in their underwear.

A while later I found myself flicking though the channels. Cole had pulled out his laptop and was out on the patio typing something.

A lifestyle coach? I thought to myself. It was rather odd for a 25 years old to be coaching at that age I wondered

I typed out his name on Google. "Cole Greyson"
The search instantly resulted in a profile with his name in capital letters. And sure enough there was picture of cole in a navy blue button down shirt. Looking as crisp as ever.
Entrepreneur, writer, businessman it read

Under him two books showed up. A newyork times bestseller no less. I clicked on the title "Tied up"

My eyes almost bulged out of my socket at the next line. The book was an erotic fiction focused around BDSM. I'd watched the movie 50 shades of grey but other than that, knew nothing much about it. At 17 I was still a virgin.

As I continued to scroll, I discovered Cole was infact a BDSM coach. He'd written multiple books on the lifestyle and was rather open about his association. I wondered how much confidence it would take for someone to be so completely open about something that was widely considered taboo. My mother definitely had no idea. If shed gotten even a whiff I was fairly certain cole wouldn't be allowed within a 100 meters of our house. And yet there was no way Kenneth did not know. Or maybe he didn't?

I had a million questions. Did I want to ask cole about this? I thought against it and instead decided to read his book

I downloaded the book on kindle and began to skim through the lines.

As Linda continued to worship Julies's breasts, Julie reached down for the waistband of Linda's skirt. She began to tug the fabric down, revealing black cotton panties. Amy lifted her hips, and together the two wiggled the garment off of her. Immediately they returned to making out. Julie pushed her tongue into linda's mouth, and Linda moaned into their kiss. Julie moved her hand between Linda's thighs, feeling the wetness through the panties. She hooked her fingers under the fabric and began to pull it down......

......."Come here," he commanded as he pulled me by the arm. He pushed me face first into the mattress and pulled my arms behind me. He wrapped the scarf around my wrists and bound my hands behind my back. I felt the sting of the belt hot against my butt cheek...

The further I read, I felt the blood rush down between my legs. I knew if I checked the inside of my panties they would be soaked already. And to think Cole Greyson had written it all. My mind began to imagine Cole punishing me. I read the book with his voice in my head. After all he was the writer. Had he experienced all of this before he wrote it down? Was it entirely his imagination? If it was, it was sexy hell.

Suddenly a voice behind next to me broke me out of my haze

"Are you sure you're old enough to be reading that?" Cole asked, nonchalantly.

I died a little on the inside the second I realised he'd been standing there watching me READ HIS BOOK. I sat there wishing the ground would open up and swallow me whole. Until I realised I had to answer him.

As much as I wanted to wipe the smirk off his face I was much too embarassed. My face was red and I wondered if he could tell. I didn't want cole to think I was some wet behind the ear highschooler. Or worse a prude.

"A friend of mine sent me a few screenshots from your book after I happened to mention your name" I lied smoothly
"She read you book, and told me. I honestly didn't believe it until now though.." I continued unfazed.
Two could play at that.

Cole pursed his lips, as though reading my expression for any signs of deception before he nodding in agreement "Most people don't" he said

Hot? Check
Sexy? Check

This whole story would have gone differently if I'd decided to keep my mouth shut past this point. But no. Me and my big mouth just couldn't leave it at that.

" Did you write all of that from imagination? Or did any of that actually happen?" I pressed
Cole looked surprised and amused with my question

The silence seemed more awkward than my questions and so I continued

"because honestly it's really detailed.."

" Wouldnt you like to know?" He retorted back with a mischievous look in his eyes. That intrigued me to no end.
"Tell me Ellie, what's the wildest thing you've done in bed" the question took me by surprise. I definitely was not prepared for this line of questioning.

"wouldn't you like to know?" I returned copying his words.
Cole let out a deep throaty laugh. It felt nice to see him laugh like that. Hed had an expressionless stoic face since the time he'd walked in.

He smiled looking at me and shook his head
"Like I said, you're too young Ellie"
He winked at me before turning with his laptop and walking away


Playtime- ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora