Chapter 2

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As hero of the day, I took it upon myself to be the first to shower. I was cold and I was enjoying the warm water jets on my skin. Wrapped in a fresh towel, I got myself a T-shirt and shorts. "Hi Leader?" Tomoya asked me. "How about one last drink?" He grinned broadly and Ryota, who had just squeezed himself into the shower, eagerly agreed with him. "I'll be right back with you," he cheered from inside and I went laughing into the back of our tour bus. Taka sat on a stool in the kitchenette and stared into his mobile phone. It almost looked as if he deliberately wanted to be the last one into the bathroom to avoid the unfamiliar situation.

Ryota sat down with me (I was dressed by now) and asked: "Well, ... everything alright?" I just looked at him and smiled. "Actually, nothing was clear. I was totally happy on the one hand, but what should I do now? Who was going to know all about it. And how would it feel ... how would HE feel?" I thought and stared at my hands. I didn't know what to say to my friend. He patted me on the shoulder.

"Hey Toru, don't worry about it. It'll all work out." Lightly he pushed me into the side and encouraged me with the words: "The main thing is that you have found each other. and our Mori chan is finally back to normal." We both laughed when Tomoya joined us now. He put a bottle of vodka and a few cans of lemon soda on the table. "Man, I haven't had this much fun in a long time. What do you say? Wasn't that fun, was it?" he said with his big grin. "Sure, you missed the most important things," I growled and got us some glasses.

Our singer lifted his head when I approached him and put his mobile phone aside quickly. "Hurry up Taka, I said when I cleared the glasses out of the cupboard. Then I bent over to him and whispered: "I'll save you the seat next to me." When I touched his ear lightly, he flinched. His cheeks turned red and he smiled sheepishly. "You have no inhibitions about the others. But I have no idea how to behave in front of them." He looked at our two band members and frowned. "It's..." he looked at me questioningly, looking for the right words. "It's so unusual. I feel so insecure."

"Come on, Mori-chan," I said and put the glasses down. Then I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him gently towards me. "It's just you and me. Everything's fine. Trust me." Then I released him again and opened the door to the bathroom for him. "Let's not wait too long."

Only when Taka sat down next to me was a drink poured out and we toasted each other with somewhat tired faces. "To us", I said and my singer next to me obliged me with "Ne, ne, ne, ... to both of you", Ryota said and looked at Taka and me. "Oh yeah, happy, happy! Of course, here's to you, ... you're the best!" Tomoya whinnyed and we knew that he hadn't checked anything yet. The glasses clinked and everyone emptied them in one go.

The relaxed mood and the certainty that our buddies didn't behave differently than usual relaxed Taka more and more. Or was it the alcohol? Finally he leaned against me and looked at me with big eyes.

"Thank you Toru san, ... for saving my ass today," he said with a grin. I put my arm around his shoulder and pressed him against me again. With a pert smile I whispered: "Yep, and I'll give you a good spanking, just wait and see. I leaned even closer to him "You will grovel for mercy." Everyone laughed and we enjoyed ourselves for some time.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. We looked at each other questioningly but then I remembered that Notori, our driver, had spoken on my mailbox. I got up and let him in. He had not been with our crew for very long, so he behaved very reserved and polite. We discussed the route and the planned stops. We had about one and a half hours left until departure. He suggested a bakery nearby for breakfast, then he bowed slightly and said goodbye.

Tomoya, who suddenly got hungry because of the word "breakfast", persuaded Ryota to accompany him to get a snack for us.

When the two of them left the bus well dressed, I looked at Taka mischievously and asked: "Hmm, what should I do with you now... Mori-chan? Taka banged anxiously, but at the same moment he had to laugh and I pressed him gently onto the couch.

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