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*Jessica's pov*
"You are just a loser" Courtney pushed me to the floor, crashing my glasses. "Yeah you are just a loser" Her dumb minion, Ashley repeated like a bird.

Courtney just rolled her eyes at her and continued to speak. "You really think that Brad can love someone like you?" I just looked at the floor.

"You are just a loner, no one wants to be with you and you think someone can like Brad can" She started to have a laugh attack.

"Look, you are a nerd that people uses to get answers from  and nothing else, so give up before you get hurt more" She added.

I tried not to cry by her hurtfull words. Maybe she was right? But I had a crush on Bradley for so long to give up now.

Courtney and her stupid minion finally left me alone as I got up. I looked at my glasses, They were unfortunately broken.

I was seeing everything blury, but I still didn't give up and started to walk towards where I guessed Brad could be at.

I would never do something like this normally, even if it meant that I would die but today was the last day of middle school and I had nothing to lose. I mean, how bad could it be?

"What's up? You can't see?" A boy started to laugh, looking at my broken glasses as I was getting past him.

I just ignored him and continued to walk. I finally came to Bradley. Gosh, he was so handsome with curly brown hair and hazel eyes, standing infront of his locker, as I guessed.

"Hey" I shyly greeted him.
"Why are you here?" He responded, his voice was really cold.

"Umm...I wanted to know if you wanted to date me" I scarily asked, looking away from his amazing hazel eyes as fast as I could.

He just laughed, "Do you really think that I can be with someone like you?"
"You are not just a loser but and an idiot too then, because even if you were the last girl on the planet I would still not date you" He added, having a laugh attack as I ran away.

Why was I like this? Why was I just a loser? Why did no one liked me?

I was so tired of getting used for test answers and then getting bullied. I wasn't going to let nobody make fun of me or use me anymore, no body!

In high school, I was going to be a new person, a person that they would be too scared to even make fun of. And if someone dared to make fun of me, it was going to hurt THEM not ME.

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