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The rest of the hostages are standing around the mat by the time that Adam and I join them. Knowing that there is no point in hiding among them, the two of us push our way through the dense crowd, and towards the front. Jasper stands in the middle of us all, slowly turning on the spot as he surveys the frightened faces staring back at him. Undoubtedly, he is trying to decide who he will call in to fight. All I can do is hope that Sara stays true to her promise, and volunteers the two of us before he makes his choice.

She is standing on the other side of the mat, her arms over her chest as she observes the glaring guard between us. As if sensing my gaze on her, her eyes move to lock with mine, and they immediately harden. Her lips press into a thin and firm line as I raise a brow, silently asking her if she will make her move.

The fury laced within the pools of her dark brown eyes is enough to make my stomach drop. If she is still furious with me, then there is nothing to stop her from staying where she is, as still and silent as a statue. Perhaps I have overestimated how much she does hate me. I had been sure she would be willing to participate if it meant that she would get a free swing at me. Something that I suspect she has wanted to do since our first encounter in the hallway weeks ago.

But maybe I haven't underestimated her. Perhaps she hates me so much that she would rather watch me fail. She has enough spite in her to do so. I don't know her well enough to assume whether or not she will follow through with the promises that she makes.

"Right," Jasper declares with a clap of his hands. He continues to turn on the spot, looking for his first pair of victims for the day. "When I call your name, you step onto this mat. Fail to comply, and I will beat you until you're dead."

No one makes a sound at this. Nor does anyone move. They have all been here long enough to know that this is the drill.

He suddenly stops turning, and my stomach drops as his beady eyes land on a small boy attempting to blend in with the much taller hostages around him. A sick smirk twists Jasper's lips, and the sight is enough to cause a shiver to run down my spine. I don't know why, but he always seems to go after the young ones during this activity. And the people who severely anger him in some way.

"Not good," Adam whispers out of the side of his mouth. His voice is barely above a whisper, in an attempt to not catch Jasper's attention.

I completely agree with him, and I decide that if Sara doesn't make a move within the next ten seconds, then I would volunteer us myself. Somehow, I don't think she will back down from a fight with everyone else watching. I just need to come up with a good enough excuse as to why I want to challenge her of all people.

Jasper opens his mouth to call out the boy's name. Without thinking, I take a step forward. But no sooner had my foot touched the blue vinyl mat, Jasper turns his head towards someone else.

"I'll do it today," Sara coolly declares, her eyes like daggers as she stares at a stunned Jasper in front of her.

Relief crashes over me like a tidal wave at the sound of her volunteering herself, knowing that I will be next. As if sensing my sudden ease, she momentarily turns her attention towards me. When our eyes lock, I nod my head in thanks, but she doesn't respond. Her gaze remains hard, and she turns back to an unsuspecting Jasper in front of her.

She might hate me, but she has proven to me that she will uphold her part in the plan. Not only this, but she has also shown me that she is also a woman of her word. For a brief gut-dropping moment, I had believed that she would betray us. Now I'm not so sure that she would.

It takes the guard a moment to recover, but when he does, his face falls into its usual hard glare. "What the hell are you on about, Odili?"

I frown, not understanding the last part of Jasper's question. But Adam seems to, as he leans down to whisper to me, "I guess that must be her last name."

The Seventh Avenger: Memories Never Die// Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now