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"Any allergies?"


"Have you experienced any negative physical or emotional reactions to any medicine in the past?"


"Are you meant to be on any form of medication currently?"


"Any hereditary family diseases we should be concerned about?"


His eyes dart up to peer at me over the edge of the clipboard in his hands at this. Though half of his face was concealed, I easily guess that it was full of scepticism. This causes me to throw my hands up in a defensive manner. "I don't know what to tell you, Doc," I say. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that it's almost as if you want there to be something wrong with me."

He grumbles something unintelligible under his breath in response. "So, you're telling me that there hasn't been a single or consistent health problem throughout your entire family?" When I shrug my shoulders at this, his eyes narrow into a glare. "You do realise that withholding any information I need isn't going to do you any good? What I'm about to put in your body isn't something to take lightly. It could kill ya in an instant. It's my job to make sure that that doesn't happen. So, could you try being cooperative even for just two seconds, girl?"

My eyes involuntarily flicker towards the desk beside him, locking on the substance that he was referring to. Currently, the rich, purple liquid was filled to the brim in the barrel of a sharp and pointed needle. A needle that the Doctor had been ordered to insert in my skin. When he had first told me this earlier, I had immediately asked what exactly the substance was. But he had only offered me a simple and useless shrug of his shoulders. "I'm only a Doctor. They've got a bunch of scientists who figure that crap out," He had informed me.

The fact that not even he knew what the dark liquid was made up of did nothing to ease the nervous butterflies in my stomach. The last thing that I wanted was for a foreign and potentially dangerous or lethal dose of matter injected in my body. Especially when I had no clue about what the hell it was meant to do to me. Or what it could do. Quite frankly, the fact that it even was about to be forced in my body without my full consent was sickening. It was a violation.

A violation that I sure as hell did not consent to.

"So, if there is something on either of your mother's or father's side of the family that I need to know, I'd strongly recommend that you share it with me," The Doctor continues.

I return my gaze to him at this, seeing that he was staring down at me expectantly. "My maternal grandmother died of cancer, but she's the only one in the family who had it. I think, if anything, it was more a case of bad luck that she had it rather then because of genetic reasons," I inform him quietly. "My maternal great-grandmother is believed to be in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease but again, she's the only one in the family who has it. So I'm hoping that I'm in the clear. At least, for now."

He nods but says nothing as he scribbles this down on to the paper in front of him. "And on your father's side?"

"I don't know. But I'll be sure to ask him if I ever meet him."

He momentarily pauses at this, the pen in his hand now only hovering over the paper on the board. Lowering it slowly away from his face, he only stares down at me curiously. "You don't know who your father is?"

I bitterly shake my head at this. "My mother never told me who he was. She also neglected to share with me about why he was never around. I don't even know if he's alive, let alone if he knows that I even exist. All I do know is that he's never been in the picture."

The Seventh Avenger: Memories Never Die// Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now