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I can't believe Louis actually thinks Eleanor is a whore. She is most certainly not a whore. She is the most amazing, and beautiful girl I have ever met. She wouldn't cheat on me. "Hey, baby." She comes up and pecks my lips, interrupting my irrevelant thoughts.

"I missed you," I smile, patting the seat on the bench next to me. It was the morning before school, the last day of school meant finals, finals, and more finals. Something no one was looking forward too, actually.

"I missed you too." She squeezed my hand, but her eyes were facing another direction.

"El, what you looking at?" I grab her attention back to me, seeing her jump from her seat.

"I thought I saw a spider." She laces our fingers together, pulling up into the school building.

"I won't let a spider hurt you, baby." I rub her cheek softy, kissing her forward. She jumps under my touch, myself furrowing my eyebrows. "You cold?"

"I just.. I need to use the ladies room." I nod and let her walk into the bathroom, my thoughts running a marathon. She seemed so jumpy this morning, like she wasn't herself. Maybe it's a girl thing, I don't know I've never had a girlfriend before.

"Waiting on your whore to come out?" Louis smirks, walking with Zayn and Liam down the hall. Liam pulls Zayn along, by his hand into the classroom, but Zayn walks back out. Niall follows Liam, however, because everyone knows Niall crushes on Liam.

"Shut it, Louis. She isn't a whore." I glare, leaning against the wall.

"I won't shut it. She's a whore, and you need to know." Louis crosses his arms across his chest.

I glare and push him against a wall, "She isn't a whore! I know it!" I scream, but a sob stops me from punching the snot out of Louis.

"Harry, you need to tell you that Louis is right." Eleanor responds. "I did kind of cheat last night with someone.." I stop in my tracks, dropping Louis on the floor gently. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done, but I have a problem. I'm sorry, I really don't deserve you." Eleanor starts to remove herself from the hallway.

"Harry, I'm.." Louis begins, but I storm out before he can say anything. I'm not staying in school today, I can't. Not after this! Eleanor is a whore! She cheated on me last night! I can't believe Louis was right, I guess I should've listened to my friend. "Harry." Louis stops me in front of my car, "I'm sorry," Louis responds.

I scoff and start unlocking my car, before a hand stops me. "Harry. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way, but what are you going to do? Skip school? That's not like you, Harry." Louis looks up at me. Being a senior, he's a shortie.

"Louis, just let go. I need to go home and clear my mind." Louis lets go, but invites himself in the passanger seat before I can take off. "I'm not letting you skip alone. You are upset, if you get too upset, you may get hurt. I can't risk you getting hurt." Louis explains.

I sigh and pull from the parking lot, Louis' glued to me. My cheeks already a warm and wet, from the amount of tears that had fallen.

(( yay another chappie. kay character ask time. idk if u want to do this, but who knows maybe you will?







harrys parents


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