Chapter 20

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Lisa's POV

"Kids get down, it's time for breakfast!" I yelled through the kitchen. Soon, Zeus followed by Athena wearing their school uniform came in, kissing me on the cheeks one by one.

Zeus is in Senior high

While Athena is in Junior High

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While Athena is in Junior High.

They both got good grades and I can't be more proud

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They both got good grades and I can't be more proud. It's good they got that matter on me or they'll be getting 5 in their English test.

"Morning Mom!" They both greeted as they sat on the table and started on eating some bacon, egg and rice with kimchi.

"Where's your dad?" I asked and on cue he spoke.

"I'm here." He said, holding our little girl, Violet, she's four. We didn't know that we'll be having another baby. But, Zeus and Athena we're so thrilled about it. They even set rules that if it's a boy, Zeus will be giving the name and if it's a girl Athena will and she won. Athena really likes the movie Incredibles, explaining why she's called Violet.

"Mommy!" She immediately went to me for a hug as we all settle down to eat

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"Mommy!" She immediately went to me for a hug as we all settle down to eat.

"Dad, I have a soccer practice later, I'll be home late " Zeus said. He loves soccer so much.

"Me too Mom, I'll have my swimming practice." Athena butted

"Okay, be sure to text us both, and make sure it's a practice. " Kook replied. I just chuckled at his words

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