1. I told you not to let the baby do shots!

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Hey there, how are you guys doing?

It is so good to finally start writing a chaptered fan fiction again. I took a break after ABNQ by writing T3LOM, and honestly, it's so much nicer to write big-ass stories than short ones. Just my opinion though.

Anyway, as I said, we're also back to TNTL quotes as chapter titles. For odd-numbered chapters, Shayne's quotes will serve as titles as the chapter will be in his point of view, and same goes for Courtney in even-numbered chapters. Since we'll be doing 20 chapters, this is going to be a whole lot of fun!

Let's start, shall we? See ya!




I wake up with a nightmare of a headache that it makes the feathery pillow feel like it's made out of bricks. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. I need some painkillers for whatever hangover this is.

"Damien, can you get me some Advil? I have the worst headache in the world," I mumble, reaching out to Damien, but to no reply. "Dude... Advil, please... If you don't have one, can you get some from Ian?"

When I open my eyes much wider though, Damien was not a white boi with blue streaks on the side of his hair, but rather a luggage bag with some dirty laundry inconveniently placed on top of it. I decide to stand up and look for Damien, but because vertigo hits me back, I feel myself get on my knees and crawl on the carpeted hotel floor looking for Damien.

"Damien... where are you?" I grumble, crawling in the room with my eyes all squinted and my breath smelling like farts and sad alcohol. "I need... some painkillers..."

"Shut up."

"Woah, what? Damien, are you okay? You never say shut up..."

"Just shut up and go to sleep," I hear Courtney say from the bed, so I get back into bed and return to sleep...

Before realizing.

"Holy crap!" I shout as I look at Courtney in my bed. "Courtney?! What the hell are you doing in here?!"

"Oh, shit!" she exclaims, falling out of the bed. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...! Holy crap, this is my room. What are you doing in here? Ow, my head hurts..."

"Uh, those are literally mine," I say to her, rubbing the back of my head while pointing at the heap of dirty laundry on the chair. "Why the hell are you almost... agh, get dressed. I'm not gonna look."

"Wait, how did I end up here?" she asks me, still seated on the floor with the blanket wrapped around her. "What the hell happened last night?"

"Can we... can we try to recall shit?" I ask her before sitting back down on the bed. "No, wait. I can't recall anything. The last thing I recall was doing beer pong with Ian."

"Same, all I recall is drinking some nice margaritas with Olivia," she replies as she gets into the bed again. "You look stupid. I look stupid."

"As you always do."

"I hate you." Courtney then laughs out loud. "Oh, we probably hung out last night when we got too drunk. Maybe Olivia and Damien tried to separate us but they couldn't, so they just gave up."

"Honestly, Damien isn't the type of person who'd give up on pulling me away," I remark.

"Yeah, you're right, Olivia would freaking fight Damien if she had to," she adds, giggling. "Okay, I got it. We got too drunk, we hit it off, and then we literally just fell asleep."

"Yeah, maybe we just hit it off too well," I tell her before raising my hand for a high-five. "Thank God nothing happened."

"Indeed," she says before high-fiving me and something hard hits my hand. "Ow, why'd you do that?"

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