Chapter 1: Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives

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Hi chickas, so this is my first attempt at writing a book and I hope you guys love what I have so far.

This book is not edited as yet, so if there are grammar mistakes and errors feel free to comment about it in the comment section, but please go easy on me the since this is my first book ever.

Enjoy lovelies!!



BEEP BEEP!! Ugh please tell me why did I ever get an alarm clock, cause every morning I just want to choke the living death out of it.

I guess I should introduce myself shouldn't I.

Hi, I'm Veronique Clarke. My friends called me Verro. Im 5'6, I know average height. Don't judge, if I could've been taller I would've been, but oh well I can't do anything about it. Anyway, where was I, oh yeah I'm 5'6. I go to Mackenzie Court High, i hate mornings and I mostly hate School which I think everyone on this planet should agree with.

Anyway, I think I should start getting ready for school, wouldn't want to be late on the first day of school now would I ?

After having a mental conversation with myself I picked out what I was going to wear, took a shower, put on clothes, fixed my hair and put a little bit make up on which only consists of eyeshadow, mascara and lipgloss.

I grabbed my phone from the desk and put the charger into my already packed bag.

Once finished with everything I went downstairs to get something to eat before I leave cause everybody's  knows That food is the number one thing on the list.

Well on my list .

People say I'm single, I say I got food and that's all I need. We're in an exclusive relationship.

After finding something to eat, I went to the garage to get my oh so gorgeous baby. I stood in awe of my red and black sexy looking Mercedes. There's a list of a couple of things that I love which most definitely consists of food and my car. Nothing and no one shall come between nor above them.

I hopped into my boo and turned the radio on, one of my favourite songs came on which was Same old love by the one and only Selena Gomez.

I turned up the radio, started the car and sang at the top of my lungs while driving my way to :

Hehe see what I did there ? No oh ok.

I have a feeling that this year is going to be a very interesting year. At least it should be since I'm a senior and I don't want my last year to suck.

After driving for at least 10 minutes, I see my school building and pulled into the parking lot to obviously park my car. I parked, got out , locked my door and made my way to my locker.

Here's a little but more info about moi. I have three best friends.
They are:
Lizzy- the funny,talkative one and she loves food like I do. Some times I think food is cheating on me with her.

Maya- the quiet and shy one but trust me she ain't quiet nor shy at all.

Riri- the totally bitchy one . Of course wen I say bitchy I mean it in the best way possible.

"Ahhhhh omg Vero is that u, I missed u soo much" screamed Lizzy from behind me. I turned around and greeted her with a hug.

"How was your summer?"

"Did you miss me?"

"Are you excited for senior year?"

"Jheez calm your tits lizzy , my summer was great, of course I Missed you and who the hell wouldn't be excited to leave this hell hole people call school" I replied to my overly excited bestie.

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