Chapter 6: Here I thought we were bffs who were about to go bond over McDonald's

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"Okay class, lets get going. Today we'll be playing Volleyball. First let me pick the team captains." He said while looking through the attendance list

I sat praying that he didn't call my name, if he did I would have no idea who to pick to put on my team. Seeing as the boys are jerks and the girls are plain stuck up bitches.

As always my luck is bad.

"Ok so team captains are Veronique and Justin."

It's like the universe it out to spite me.

"Veronique and Justin pick your team members now so we can get this game going."

"Hmm who should I pick?, how about you shortcake." He pointed at red head chick.

Well already I can see what's he going to go with on his team. My strategy is to just get the nicest people and good players.

I may not be interested in this game, but I don't lose especially when I'm against an asshole like Justin himself.

We finished picking team mates in under 5 minutes since we both seemed to know who we were going for .

I set up my side of the net while he did the same to his. I put two of the best players in the front and then spread the rest out, so that we wouldn't be screwed for once we start rotating.

I saw Justin was distracted so toke that to my advantage. I decided this was the perfect time to hiked the ball up then let the guy next to me hit it over the net.

The ball had "accidentally " hit him in the head causing him to stumble backwards and trip over the girl who's backside he was checking out not to long ago.

Everyone including his team mates were laughing except the little sluts who followed him around like a lost puppy who were shooting daggers throw my teams head.

"Oops, sorry guess you should've been paying attention."

"Is someone jealous, you know if you wanted me to check out your ass all you would have to do is ask, turn around and drop it down low. " He had a big add smirk on face that I just wanted to slap right off.

"Nah your eyes are not worth seeing the glory of my ass ." I said as I strut into position to receive the volleyball.

"Ok guys, cut it out and get your head in the game", said our gym teacher.

What is this High school musical?

After a good 15 minutes of playing, the game came to an end and I was pretty satisfied with the turnout, seeing as my team won. Don't even ask how, cause I have no idea.

When finally changed, I left that gym room faster than ever. I looked at my time table to see what my upcoming class was and low and behold was my fave class ever, Dance.

No one but my friends and my mom would understand the amount of passion I had for the dance. It's so freeing and its the best way to be pulled away from the reality of the world.

Once I realized what I had, I sped through the hallways faster than I could ever imagine just to get to that one class, where I could try and be free and of course show off my amazing skills.

Once arrived, I noticed that I was about five minutes early to class and decided to take in my surroundings and look about at who were the people in the my class.

I started looking around the room from left to right, noticing a few faces and not recognizing some. After a full look around, I was pretty satisfied with who were in my class, but I knew there were still some people missing, which would consist of my bff Lizz and maybe some other people, because our dance class every year is always extremely packed.

The bell buzzed in my ear a few minutes later, indicating that the class was about to start. Justin on time Lizz strutted her way into class and mad her way over to me.

Our teacher, Ms. Clarke, was about to start talking when couple students rolled their way into class, hella late. The group consisted of Justin of course, Chelsea and her minions and then a few seconds later, and boy I don't know the name of came in after them.

At this point our teacher knew not to try to lecture Justin and Chelsea, since we all knew they wouldn't listen anyway. So instead she got straight to the point and introduced the new student, who I caught the name of was called Evan.

His facial structure was heaven, which was accessorized with his perfect brown hair and eyes with a beanie on his head and cute glasses to go with his eyes. If you looked from afar you may think that he's a nerd but with a close look you can see him for all his glory and hotness.

He pretty cute if I do say so myself and by the looks of him he was built well (as in arm and legs muscles)not to much muscle on the arm just the right amount, which meant that he would have the perfect strength for lifting and would be the perfect dance partner, but before I jump the gun I gotta see how his personality worked out first.

I waited for the teacher to finish talking about safety rules and guidelines for the rest of the year before I thought about going to him. I was about to make the move when I noticed he was already making his way over to me.

I stood casually in the corner waiting for his arrival.

'Hi, I'm Evan".

"I'm Verro, actually no its Veronique", yeah I hate doing introductions and ish.

"So which is it, Verro or Veronique?" he said with a tip of sass added.

" Well to you, it's Veronique, only my friends gets to called me Verro" I sassed back .

"Awee are we not friends and here I thought we were bffs who were about to go bond over McDonald's" he said with a fake puppy dog facial expression.

I legit laughed so hard at the face he was making, but decided to push a little further and added," Well if you involve McDicks in anything, then I'm definitely down. Ill be your bff till death do us part".

" How about we make that official and I'll see you at the closest McDonalds, on Friday after school?

To say I was taken back was an understatement, did he just ask me out on date?

Nah couldn't be, who even takes a date to McDonalds, Well McDicks are pretty good soooo.

Anyway before I could even give him a reply, Ms. Clarke had started calling for the class attention and started explaining that we would be starting the year with a contemporary/Hip-hop piece.

"Considering that all of you were in my class last year, well almost all of you. I want you guys to show me what you've got and what I'm working with. So you all have two weeks, which is the total of 5 classes to come up with your piece. I will be choosing the groups to see who you may work good with", After her explanation, she just started pairing up the groups, I zoned out while waiting for my name to be called.

After what it seem to be an eternity, I heard my name being called and being paired with Evan, I jumping for joy in my head, while sending him a smile.

My joy didn't last long though as she called Justin's right after, meaning that he was also in my group. He looked over to where I was with his infamous smirk plastered on his face and made his way over.

The only thing going through my mind right now is that I hope he could dance.

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